2 Cor 10: 4, 5 KJV "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
Sometimes, I'll use the scripture in a positive rather than in a negative. For example, in the above scripture it refers to guarding our imaginations, but I'll use it in a positive manor by beginning prayer time by looking up and imagining I'm fling to the Lord thru the 3rd heaven. In an instant, exiting the Earth's atmosphere and just as quickly the stars of space are all behind me and then I'm approaching a giant pearl that becomes the middle gate on a side at the bottom of New Jerusalem, a 1500 mile cube that could be called the city of light. I picture that every road is golden and leads to the throne room. All the buildings are also made from gold that turns transparent when looking toward the Father on his great white throne no matter where we are in heaven. I picture the doors of the throne room extending the entire height of the city with the Father as a pure bright white light overshadowed and surrounded by an emerald rainbow. Jesus is to his left as I face them and a river flows from the midst of the throne. I imagine the throne room to be large enough to hold the angelic host along with the entire OT and NT faithful. I can't imagine getting enough of the Father fulfilling Zeph 3:17 and joying over us all with singing. Jesus come quickly! Amen
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
Sometimes, I'll use the scripture in a positive rather than in a negative. For example, in the above scripture it refers to guarding our imaginations, but I'll use it in a positive manor by beginning prayer time by looking up and imagining I'm fling to the Lord thru the 3rd heaven. In an instant, exiting the Earth's atmosphere and just as quickly the stars of space are all behind me and then I'm approaching a giant pearl that becomes the middle gate on a side at the bottom of New Jerusalem, a 1500 mile cube that could be called the city of light. I picture that every road is golden and leads to the throne room. All the buildings are also made from gold that turns transparent when looking toward the Father on his great white throne no matter where we are in heaven. I picture the doors of the throne room extending the entire height of the city with the Father as a pure bright white light overshadowed and surrounded by an emerald rainbow. Jesus is to his left as I face them and a river flows from the midst of the throne. I imagine the throne room to be large enough to hold the angelic host along with the entire OT and NT faithful. I can't imagine getting enough of the Father fulfilling Zeph 3:17 and joying over us all with singing. Jesus come quickly! Amen
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