So DJT is a troll? I think I said that some time ago in this thread or another one.
Oh I don't know if he is a troll or not. Psychologically speaking, there are people who believe they are always right regardless of the number of people who try to talk about their supposed expertise with them and try to show them that what they say does not line up with the facts, in this case, the Bible. Instead, anyone with a different viewpoint is automatically shut down, told they are wrong and treated like they just crawled out of the jungle after being lost in there for 20 years.
This subject is particularly annoying because of the people who come here with an agenda with regards to the spiritual gifts and think they know all there is to know about this topic. That, fits the definition of the Dunning-Kruger Effect as described in my other post.
That being said, this same person is on at least one other site posting exactly what he has posted here with regards to his opinions on the gifts. So that indicates an agenda I would think. I am not a member in that other forum, but I googled his DJY_47 as he uses here and found the same at another site.
sad IMO
Still though, he does state he does not know when he was saved....so....
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