The foundation of the Christian faith is the Apostles and Prophets; with Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone. Of most imporatance, the gospel is faith in Jesus- and the 10 commandments will get you nowhere without faith.
I'm definitely not saying don't follow the commandments; but "foundation" is a strong word.
I'm definitely not saying don't follow the commandments; but "foundation" is a strong word.
We, including all Apostles and Prophets, are all bricks/stones in the building of God and Christ is the Cornerstone, but the foundation is the message they all delivered and that message is obedience to God's Law.
God's Law, the 10 Commandments, are what all of Christianity is built upon. They are far more than basic moral rules. They are the very character of God Almighty. They are the mirror that we test ourselves against, they expose our sin, our misalignment with God.
The decalogue is the spine, or the skeleton, of the Christian Faith. Jesus taught them and obeyed them as an everlasting example of how to be a Christian. Christ was a follower of God's Law. Professing to be a Christian while foregoing the 10 Commandments makes no sense at all, yet it is exactly what modern Christians are doing all over the world today because that is what is being taught in almost every church and seminary today worldwide.
The wolves are at the pulpits and their righteousness doesn't even come close to that of the hypocrites of Matt. 5:20 today as they don't even teach the 10 Commandments which are the very character structure of God Almighty.
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