I read in the New Testament that Jesus taught the 10 Commandments.
Matt. 23:1-3
I read in the New Testament that Jesus obeyed each and every one.
John 15:10
I read in the New Testament that Jesus' followers obeyed the 10 Commandments after His death.
Luke 23:54-56
Acts 21:24
Do Paul, or any other Apostle, override Jesus Christ in anything that they teach?
Who has the final word on all things Christianity? His Name is in the term itself.The 10 Commandments are the only ones God wrote in stone with His own finger.
They are the only ones God ever spoke aloud from Mt. Sinai to all the people present.
Jesus also spoke them aloud to His followers and obeyed them as an example to us of how to live righteously before God.
All the rest expired at the Cross. None of those were written in stone and Jesus even ridiculed the Jews for teaching and strictly adhering to so many of those.
The 10 Commandments are the only Commandments that can be referred to as God's Law.
Matt. 23:1-3
I read in the New Testament that Jesus obeyed each and every one.
John 15:10
I read in the New Testament that Jesus' followers obeyed the 10 Commandments after His death.
Luke 23:54-56
Acts 21:24
Do Paul, or any other Apostle, override Jesus Christ in anything that they teach?
Who has the final word on all things Christianity? His Name is in the term itself.The 10 Commandments are the only ones God wrote in stone with His own finger.
They are the only ones God ever spoke aloud from Mt. Sinai to all the people present.
Jesus also spoke them aloud to His followers and obeyed them as an example to us of how to live righteously before God.
All the rest expired at the Cross. None of those were written in stone and Jesus even ridiculed the Jews for teaching and strictly adhering to so many of those.
The 10 Commandments are the only Commandments that can be referred to as God's Law.
Jesus did not make it hard to obey God's commandments. He made it impossible. (Sermon on the mount). Stones can break. Where are the stones now? If they mattered so much, would God have not preserved them? No, God promised to write His law on the new heart and spirit that he promised to man. It is now the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus instead of the law that only brings condemnation. The temple veil was rent and, eventually, the temple was destroyed. Christians are now the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are living stones. The Law belongs to the old covenant. Spirtual life is of the new covenant.
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