The things I revealed about the Gospels require a skill called hermeneutics.
Hermeneutics is a blend of the sciences (history, anthropology, geography and etc) and arts to really understand the scriptures in full context.
2,000+ years ago writing was something very very expensive to do. A Torah scroll (the five books of Moses) would cost the equivalent in excess of $100,000 (us)
So the writing was extremely concentrated and left out obvious details....well they were obvious 2,000 years ago in Egypt which is where he wrote the Gospel and founded several churches while at it.
ST. Mark's Coptic church is still in existence....they have a dedication to speaking in 4 languages things like the Lord's Prayer and fast so much of the year they only eat meat 50 days of the year. A big feast is coming soon on Easter Sunday for them where there will be several meats on the table...and boy howdy will they eat.
The current persecution of the Coptics in Egypt is severe....reminiscent of Black's in the 1950's in the South. (Not good at all)