So do you agree that the Jews in the Holocaust are most likely…. Continue to suffer eternally after suffering a miserable death on earth?
So you have rejected all information sources, deemed them all works of the devil... And you have figured out the secret of everything, out there on the side of the mountain, all by yourself.
You do realize how ludicrous it sounds, right? You do know what a stereotype the "crazy old man on the side of the mountain who thinks he knows all the great secrets" is, right?
You do understand why it's hard for people to believe you... Right?
Folksy yet erudite? Alrighty then.
In my limited life experience of just under 60 years walking this plane,
I have managed to learn a few things. One of the most important things I've learned, though far too late, is what type of people should be avoided at all cost. And right near the top of that list are those who boast of their own intelligence while condescending to others.
Also near the top of that list are the contrarians, those who argue for the sake of it, not far behind would be those lacking in empathy and self awareness, But in your case,
I will make this brief exception, in the small hope that I might clear up any confusion you were having about my comment. And to address your slanderous nonsensical accusation.
Lynx said,
"So you have rejected all information sources, deemed them all works of the devil..."
This is quite the accusation, coming from someone who publicly advertises their own intellectual superiority. What I actually said, not the words which you placed in my mouth, are below.
"I'm no theologian praise God.
And I make no claims to special revelation or esoteric knowledge.
And while I endeavor daily to live a life of purity before God my Father.
I'm just another sinner like everyone else.
But this sinner, by the grace of God, knows when I'm being lied to. Does that mean I know the depth of the deception or am privy to all the details of such deception? No, of course not. It does mean, that I put no faith in man or the institutions of man, as man in his unregenerated state, is incapable of knowing God"
If you had given any thought to my actual words , and then maybe a little thought to your own words, you may have saved yourself some embarrassment. Ha ha. Never mind, I'm not sure that you are capable of embarrassment.
At any rate. Yes, I am the stereotypical crazy old man on the mountain. Just ask my kids. But as far as knowing all the great secrets. Read again my comment above, slowly if it helps.
I was not born on this mountain, or in a cave. I went to the same public schools you did, even wasted some time in college before my professional career. I too am well read, but unlike you I don't advertise. I have already plainly stated that my understanding of the bible, biblical prophecy, and current affairs did not come by direct revelation, so clearly I do have trusted sources. I just don't trust your sources. And nothing that I have learned, and shared with brother Jacko was any great secret.
It was Albert Einstein, and this is no endorsement of Einstein or his theories, who remarked;
"Condemnation prior to investigation is the height of ignorance."
I've done my research. All that I am guilty of in this forum, is encouraging others to do their own research. And of course, denying the official narrative that apparently cannot be criticized.
The dangers of holding so tightly to any belief that it cannot be criticized are well documented.
"Those who can convince you to believe in absurdities, can convince you to commit atrocities."
How much more dangerous would it be, to consider an entire nation, ethnic group, or religious cult, beyond reproach?
You are about to find out. And I have done my part to warn you.
This is a closed topic for me, at least in this forum. I've said what I had to say, everyone is free to do their own research or continue in their present paradigm.
As for you. Should you ever realize that just maybe, you aren't as brilliant as you claim to be. I suggest you go ask your husband for his opinion on these matters.