Barbaric slavery,the owning of another human being.
And slave owners were directed how to treat their slaves.
America has done Some things to right the wrong but IMO America never truly repented for this the way a man/women repents when they do an alter call and someone comes up to repent,but America repents by a little something here and a little something there,now stop complaining because we made you equal.
IMO that's not repentance from the heart but repentance in word.
IMO that's not repentance from the heart but repentance in word.
Brazil had the largest population of slaves sold.
Further, tribes in Africa SOLD SLAVERS THEIR people who were actually criminals from their own tribes or what we label POW's from tribal wars.
Free slaves in the north here owned slaves.
No one who plays slave victim today were a slave, nor were their ancestors from at least the last generation.
We need to stop apologizing to whining race baiters for the past we were not a part of and too for being Caucasian.
America had slaves because God said it was OK. One nation under....
Get over it. Or don't.
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