Face to face.. the Word in other parts of scripture is called the perfect Law of liberty that acts as a mirror to the believer of their state.
Whatever is perfect in 1 co 13 was also in part. The early churches..prophecy, tongues etc.. were in part.
The perfect completed these.
The second coming of Christ isn't in the context of prophecy , tongues and knowledge being in part.
Of course when Jesus returns the gifts will cease..but scripture points to a point before then.
But chatgpt is hardly a solid source
Whatever is perfect in 1 co 13 was also in part. The early churches..prophecy, tongues etc.. were in part.
The perfect completed these.
The second coming of Christ isn't in the context of prophecy , tongues and knowledge being in part.
Of course when Jesus returns the gifts will cease..but scripture points to a point before then.
But chatgpt is hardly a solid source
I would sit up in my chair with my ears pricked if Chat GPT disagreed, with my reading of the text.
There are no other sources but sola scripture.
We cannot defer to authority or church history because that is what 'scripture only' means.
Why is Chat GPT not a solid source when it only uses the text?