this is sort of what spinning said...but i was in my pastors office a while back, and i was looking on his bookshelf, and i saw this photo, and it was a picture showing a man, sticking a needle into his arm, but jesus was standing behind him, sticking his arm out, like the man, was sticking the needle into jesus' arm. this photo is the photo that made all the diff. in my life, because i saw it about a week after i got saved, and since i used to cut, it really made a diff in how i viewed cutting. and the main reason is, at the bottom of the photo, it said this, "Everything that you do to yourself, you have done to God." That statement hit soo hard. I started crying right there. I wish i could get the photo, and upload it. But just try to imagine christ putting his arm there in place of your arm, and when you cut yourself, you are cutting God too. But i promise you that you can beat this. just trust in God, and he will give you the strength you need. I struggled with cutting for about a year and a i promise you that you can beat this!
let me know if you need to talk!