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  • And great job on fighting unhealthy coping and finding victory! I'm proud of you! But don't be discouraged if you have some stumbles along the way - we all fall at times, we just have to remember God wants to help us get back up. :) God bless, Enril! 🙏
    It made me smile when you said you've been smiling so much! That was awesome to hear. :) Praise God for the talk you had with your friend! Have you talked to a doctor about the insomnia? I'm all into natural remedies when they work, but unfortunately, I have to take meds to sleep (fortunately over the counter.) I've tried everything else and that's all that works. I'll be praying you find what works for you!
    Hi Enril, I'm so glad you stopped by!I was actually wondering how you were the other day. I haven't been here much either. I'm sorry you're struggling... Don't give up! We all struggle. I've been fighting depression too and we all have ways -- often unhealthy -- of coping. You are not alone! Life feels overwhelming so often, huh? 💐Keep trying and I'll be praying for you! Thank you for keeping in touch. 💟
    I was able to talk to a freind, and he really gave me some sound advice. I feel better than I have in years. I have actively been smiling, like,

    unfortunately, I have really bad insomnia(again) and have not barely slept since friday. a week, not last night. on top of that, I am getting a sore throat.

    "we all have ways -- often unhealthy -- of coping. "
    fortunately, I got rid of my weapons, or at least lost them.

    Ive been simling like, all the time.
    Hi Enril! Thanks so much for stopping by. How have you been? Adjusting to the life changes you've been going through ok? I haven't been here much... I go through phases and feel more introverted lately. I'm in a stage where I need to absorb info more than trying to write. When I start to process what I've taken in, that's when I start writing more. What have you been up to? :)
    doing a lot better. I've started the seven habits of highly effective teens, and it's really helping.
    for a while I was really bad, attempting or almost killing myself every opportunity, but now am doing better.
    I have been doing much coding, so thats cool, finally have time, have been gaming which helps distract from my current feelings.
    school as usual. still a fragmented personality. but healing.
    thanks for asking ;)
    Hey Enril, I was happy to see you back, if even for a brief flash! I'm so glad that youth camp was a positive experience. Sharing with others is an awesome boost to our walk! I understand that depression, for a lot of us, is a daily fight. I will be praying for you! 🌹
    the camp was really powerful.
    it is.
    very. mine is mostly triggered by some interesting curcumstances, where my memory is really bad, so I wont remember something unless I read the prompt I wrote for that memory, or I see something that reminds me of it, and then I will have a flashback, sometimes losing myself in the memory for several minutes.
    and sometimes I get a whole bunch of less good memorys trigger, and
    then I get really depresed, usually they trigger by either say, porn usage, accidentally lusting after someone I want to protect, showers, are a bad memory, certain parts of the bible, esp. kjv, i might get an nasb95. random things, like a word or phrase i have not heard for years trigger memorys, but other than that, my memory is very short term, I forget things quickly, and all I know is that I forgeot them.
    I hope things are going ok for you? Thank you for letting me know about your "break" from here or I would have been pretty concerned. As you know, I come and go with life's issues myself, but I'll still check in here regularly so feel free to leave a message any time. I will definitely be praying for you! 🙏
    I have been more depressed lately, although the self-harm has stopped.
    losing contact was hard.
    I went to an incredible youth camp, where I shared my testimony with many other teens, and I feel so much free-er now.
    life is easier. the depression is more from other events in my life.
    thanks :)
    Hi Enril! Winston (in my avatar,) said thanks for the compliment. He may be an owl, but he can definitely be a little ham! :D
    I am praying that God will put people around you, in close proximity, that you can talk to and can help you with these feelings. Jeremiah 29: 11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declared the Lord, "plans to PROSPER you and not harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE." ❤️🙏❄️
    ! Corinthians 6:11
    And such were some of you: but you are washed, but you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God
    And I know how hard it gets, bc it can feel like God is just keeping us around for everyone else, but not ourselves -- and frankly, especially when we're young, that just doesn't seem fair. It's hard to feel like our pain is kept around for the benefit of lessening others' misery.
    or just preventing their misery.
    but i... dont know.... cant understand... why... i would want to die, can't remember. i live in the moment. the future is unknown, and the past is gone, and forgotten.
    Hi Enril, I really hope you have people at your church that you can trust and talk to. I can relate to everything you're saying. When I was a teen, I didn't think I'd live to be 19. When I reached 19, I didn't think I'd make it to 25. When 25 came, things really hit the fan and... Well, God still has me here. I understand much of what you're feeling. <3
    I do. only one friend who will talk about it, but we have a completely honest relationship, so i can and do tell her anything, and she can and does tell me anything.
    and she has talked me through many moments in my life.
    A beloved church mentor once taught me that I could pour out my heart to God, about anything, at any time, no matter what I'd done or how angry I was, and I hope He will instill that in your heart, too. Praying for you, Enril! <3
    I was also thinking about how you said everything seems meaningless. I've felt this many times too. And when God told me I needed to keep going for other people, I told Him I didn't see how because I didn't feel like I could keep up with life myself. I was just reading Ps. 61:8 and thought of you: "Trust in Him at all times, you people; POUR OUT YOUR HEART BEFORE HIM."
    exactly, i am getting behind on shoolwork, lost in life, cant keep track of time, cant remember small things, wish i could end it all, but.
    i have a family, who it would cause so much pain. i have hardened to pain, and death. but they havent. i would have to do something quiet, far away, like, say, burn my body somewhere secret, just go missing, rather than let them see me.
    i have friends, and i know she would blame herself for it. but it wouldn't be. and i have things, things that could happen, and i would seek release in any way possible.
    but mostly, i feel that i have a future in missions, that will not happen if i do that.
    and i have to put others before myself.
    I wish there was more I could do to help. Please keep seeking someone to talk to, especially when are starting to feel overwhelmed. How do you feel about the changes coming to your life? Would it be ok if I put your name on the list of prayer requests in some groups I attend? I am praying that God will surround you with His love and make it more real to you than ever. <3
    changes. well, i have to remain strong, putting others above myself, my family doesn't even know that i am not happy with it, because i have to remain confident, have to stay firm.

    absolutely, please do.
    The devil wants us to feel too ashamed, too far gone, too much of a failure to go to God, but that's when His love for us really shines through. I know faith can be messy, but that's what keeps me believing -- the fact that no matter what mess I've made or gotten myself into, God still accepts me and loves me as I am. And I know He loves you.
    "its amazing that you can, love me as i am.
    and even when i can't, you still love me as i am.
    oh i dont know how you do it,
    and i know i've put you through it,
    it's amazing that you can, love me like i am."
    thank you.
    Hi Enril -- I know sometimes it probably seems like nothing, but I'll keep praying for you. I used to self-harm too. I hope God pulls you out of that as He did for me. No matter what sins we commit (and we all have habitual sins,) He wants us to come to Him about them, even when we feel at our worst. I am so sorry and concerned about you! I think you said you were talking to your youth pastor? I hope so.
    thank you. it does not ever seem like nothing. i remember all too well being without god. only months ago. but i fear that i may relapse to how i was then. i am slipping already.
    un momento, i remembered something.
    "sometimes the only way for God to use us is to tear us apart."
    Hi Enril! Things are going ok -- thanks for stopping by! I'm always a little more retrospective (i.e., moody! Lol!) in the dark, winter months. How have you been? Still praying for you! :)
    extremely confusing. and the worst part is that it only seems to forget good things, and some bad, but mostly good.
    My pastor has been going through the book of ecclesiastes, the pointlessness of toil, and all that, and it is only driving me deeper into that listless, empty feeling. like, what is the point of all this, it won't last into hevean, but i dont know how to prepare for being a missinarry, don't now if t
    the past is or can be a barrier, dont know how to be ready, don't know if my memory can be a problem, can't fix my memory, and in general am lost and confused.
    thanks fpr asking.
    praying for you too :)
    doesnt retrospective mean thinking past?
    i do that a lot too. where i pick up a book and fall into an almost trance, just remembering life before or during the darkness. and then wake up a few minutes later and just be like 'huh? oh, yeah, i was getting...' or when i hear a cetain song. y'know?
    and my life is getting disrupted soon.
    You're always welcome to drop a message on my profile wall if you need prayer. 🙏🏼🙂
    I am probably getting baptised soon.
    I have been feeling called to do missions, so I am working on being ready for that.
    Hey Enril, just wanted to stop by and see how you're doing?
    been harming myself just a bit. once. wakes you up to feel steel in your flesh.
    i have a scar from that.
    i honestly hope i keep it. a reminder.
    slightly depressed. but working for change.
    hey. it really means the world for you to ask how i am doing.
    thank you.
    Praying 🙏🏼 for you, Enril. 🌹
    thank you.
    right when I need it :)
    Lol! I think I'm going to need a bigger paddle. That pot keeps getting bigger and bigger! :D So glad you're feeling better! It's awesome to know we could be of some help. I kind of come and go as life gets busy but Lynx is almost always here, and I'm sure he'll be happy to chat with you if I'm not around. Thanks so much for the kind words! ❤️
    now you have somewhere to put it.
    thank you.
    can you teach me the recipie sometime?
    I would love to make some pot soup!
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