Search results for query: Mark of the beast

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of, the
  1. S

    DON'T take the Mark!

    Why do you feel you need to be taken out of the world when only the saints in Israel are persecuted by the Beast? Makes no sense at all.Besides ,Jesus asked God to not take his followers out of the world ,but to keep them from evil.Not only does your doctrine contradict Jesus ,it doesn't even...
  2. S

    DON'T take the Mark!

    According to Thessalonians,the man of sin is destroyed at Christs coming so he has already done everything scripture says he would do before the rapture. In fact,you can read about his end in Daniel 11:45 and the rapture/resurection takes place in daniel.12:1-2. Danie11;45-12:2 And he shall...
  3. Chester

    DON'T take the Mark!

    I am not sure there is proof there will not be "believers" who will take the mark. Of course, as soon as they take it, they have identified their side and are eternally lost.
  4. S

    DON'T take the Mark!

    Since you believe the COVID vaccination is the mark of the beast,have you not been able to buy or sell anything since the Trump administration first started administering it? Revelation 13 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their...
  5. Dino246

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    I'm sure you're aware that some of the manuscripts have 616, not 666. I'm sure you're also aware that those numbers are both gematria for the same person using different languages. I'm sure you're also aware that because of this, all of your blather about 666 is far off the mark. Or... maybe...
  6. Stan_the_Man

    DON'T take the Mark!

    Those that truly believe OSAS think they can worship the best and take his mark and still go to Heaven. The false teachers tell them they can ignore what Jesus says in Revelation 14:9-11 and it's all good. We re not appointed unto wrath, whether it be God's wrath or the devil's wrath so we...
  7. Stan_the_Man

    DON'T take the Mark!

    That does not prove we will not be here when the anto-christ comes to power. I'm not saying they can accidentally take the mark. Many believe in OSAS and because of they they believe they can bow down to the best, take his mark and still go to Heaven. Since one will have to have the mark to...
  8. cv5

    Ukraine the bad guy?

    ...Saints/Israel rapidly accelerates after Satan indwells the AC (mid-trib), who then becomes vastly powerful. You either take the mark of the beast or are executed. Resistance means death. All world governments assist in this pogrom. Rev 13:4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given...
  9. S

    "You will be held responsible for the murder of all godly people . . ." age (i.e. the time ordinarily occupied by each successive generation), a space of 30-33 years Give it another year or two and they will be killing the prophets sent to them to warn them to repent and not take the mark of the beast.Some people never change,not even after thousands of...
  10. G

    DON'T take the Mark!

    that is what i said...
  11. M

    DON'T take the Mark!

    The COVID Inoculation is not the mark of the beast.
  12. G

    DON'T take the Mark!

    is that not what the mark is? marking those who will worship the beast??
  13. M

    DON'T take the Mark!

    Paul said let no man deceive you by any means for the gathering of the saints shall not happen until there is a falling away first. Which the falling away is the condition of the world in response to the Gospel which the nations governments came together for a one world government and will not...
  14. Omegatime

    2 Years Are Left, and the Two Witnesses Are About to Emerge to the World Anytime Now

    ------------------------------------------------------- 12 And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; 2 she was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth, in anguish for delivery. 3 And...
  15. Pilgrimshope

    2 Years Are Left, and the Two Witnesses Are About to Emerge to the World Anytime Now

    yeah the ot is being revealed ….this might explain how I see revelation rather than a literal timeline of events ahead of us “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron:( Jesus was born to israel ) and her child was caught up unto God, and to his...
  16. S

    DON'T take the Mark!

    The next verse of Revelations shows us how not to receive the Mark Rev 14:12 The Mark of the Beast is about worship. What does Jesus tell us about worshipping in vain which correlates with Rev 14:12 Mat 15:3-14 Mark 7:7-13
  17. Moses_Young

    Word Association

    ...there is some truth to the accounts. I do indeed believe the process of gene corruption is happening again, and wonder if the "mark of the beast" will be related to genetics (or gene-modifying "vaccines"). I don't know if you read an article recently about artificial wombs expected to become...
  18. S

    DON'T take the Mark!

    People who worship the beast don't bow down to it .They think highly of it and adore it. Far as I understand,your name can be blotted out of the book of life.It would be very unfortunate to have your name written only to have it blotted out . Revelation 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall...
  19. Blade

    DON'T take the Mark!

    "Some seem to think that a Christian could take the mark of the beast and still be saved. " I always wonder why so many get stuck on the mark. Well to get to that you already bowed down and worshiped the beast. Is it not written before that "And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him...
  20. S

    DON'T take the Mark!

    It is saints in Israel that are killed for their testimony of Jesus.You will probably still be preaching about the pretrib rapture while they are being persecuted.