Search results for query: Mark of the beast

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of, the
  1. S

    The hatred of Jews

    As I said. The persecution of the Messianic Jews when they are beaten imprisoned and killed takes place after the false prophet arrives.They come to Israel in Jesus name claiming to be in Christ. Luke 21 8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name...
  2. G

    The hatred of Jews

    Pay very close attention to the words 'But before all these'... ;) You may find it helpful to take a good honest look at this web page:
  3. S

    The hatred of Jews

    ...before kings and rulers for my name's sake. First,the false prophet arrives in Israel and starts giving everyone in Israel the mark of the beast. The Messianic Jews warn the people to repent ,the kingdom of heaven is at hand.They are persecuted for a time ,times and a half. -3.5 years...
  4. S

    The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?

    You wish there was a pre trib rapture so you would not suffer as Christ or the apostles or any other disciples of Christ have suffered.Believing in lies is not a good refuge. But I highly doubt you would suffer for Christ or because of his name.
  5. S

    The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?

    You blew it in the first paragraph so I didn't bother wasting my time on the rest . Jesus was talking about the time of Noah when he said they will be eating and drinking and them who we're eating and drinking were destroyed.They were not raptured. They were utterly destroyed by the flood.
  6. ZNP

    The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?

    ...half years is tribulation in which there are many Christians who are beheaded for their testimony because they refuse to take the mark of the beast. In the midst of this week the two witnesses are killed but are not buried and their dead bodies are live streamed for three days. Apparently...
  7. ZNP

    The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?

    Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. One fourth killed by...
  8. ZNP

    The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?

    ...have to ask ourselves why do we believe there will be a great depression during the tribulation? First of all you have to take the mark of the beast and worship Satan if you want to be able to buy or sell and that includes buying food to eat. If you refuse you are beheaded. That is not...
  9. S

    The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?

    ...1/3. As of today 2 percent of Israel population is Christian and most of those are Arabs.The majority of israels population worship the beast they have followed after.Sometime next year they should be receiving the mark of the beast which they have followed.That is after the second beast arrives.
  10. N

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    ...first angel left the Temple and poured out his bowl on the earth, and horrible, malignant sores broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue. 3-4 Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became like the blood of a corpse. And everything...
  11. cv5

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Proof text: Rev 14:9 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, Rev 14:10 “he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the...
  12. cv5

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    These vial judgments occur after the AC is indwelt by Satan, which itself must occur before the AC introduces the mark of the beast. The point being that these vial judgments are cast intentionally upon the irredeemable......those that have no need of mercy. Much of the earlier judgements have...
  13. cv5

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...their wars and align with this supposedly all-powerful unkillable beast (the greater Goliath) and give him their power 5) THEN the mark of the beast is imposed 6) THEN the persecution of the saints and Israel begins in earnest 7) THEN mercies and longsuffering end and God unleashes full fury...
  14. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    ...situation, and how soon we are to an internal revolution in the US along with the beast system and complete control with the mark of the beast. We know they have thousands of guillotines to kill the Lord's people on. So it is just like Esther. Meanwhile what is organized Christianity...
  15. Musicmaster

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I never said that you stated such. Please read what I actually said, which is that whatever you and others believe, if you all want to stay, then go for it. Whatever... Yes, I've seen this misapplication of the day and thousand years nonsense before, and will continue to see it from those...
  16. FollowerofShiloh

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I have never once said anyone goes through the entire Tribulation. You speak so many idle words that you probably should take your Greek Texts and study what happens to those who use them on a daily basis. If you couldn't tell false truths you would literally have nothing to ever say. Read...
  17. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    ...all the earth", Esther was about that, the Holocaust was about that. The hour of temptation means you will be tempted to take the mark of the beast. Think about Germans were tempted to join the Gestapo. Germans were tempted to rat out Jews and loot their homes. 26 And Jehovah spake unto...
  18. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    The Mark of the Beast is NOT What You Think… | Billy Crone
  19. I

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    At last, we have someone who can explain the book of revelation! How do you read the following verses given that the end of the world has taken place. These passages indicate the end occurs during the third woe. Romans 11 14 The second woe has passed; behold, the third woe is coming quickly...
  20. cv5

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    ...death shall flee from them. God suspends death for five months (while they are in torments of pain - this occurring BEFORE the mark of the beast is imposed) as a MERCY to the earth dwellers. Why? So that they recognize the dire implications of this: Rev 14:9 And the third angel followed...