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  1. D


    RIGHT ON! To be able to test or discern spirits a person must have THE Spirit. But everyone has a Bible and that makes them an expert about everything. :rolleyes:
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    This is my response to your second request. There is only 1 reference that changes the translation incorrectly from shepherd to pastor (Eph 4:11). This came about as denominations wanted a word to support their man-made organizational structure. By changing the translation from shepherd to...
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    Do you hear God speak to you?

    Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said,It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The underlined word in this verse (word) does not come from logos which means "written word" but from rhema which means "spoken word". Jesus says...
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    Yes, you are right. By the time Constantine declared Christianity the religion of Rome in 325AD city churches had become dominated by one man and were no longer functioning as city churches. Later on Augustine, the greatest heretic that ever lived, combined Greek philoshophy with apostolic...
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    Where did this word "church" come from?

    Please see my new post "WHAT DOES "CHURCH" REALLY MEAN?".
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    ek-klesia, the Greek word tranlated "church" comes from a root word, a verb, kaLEo which means "to call". The prefix "ek" means "out" so ek-kaLEo is a verb that means "to call out" and ek-klesia is a noun which means "the called out". But something is missing and that is an inference. An...
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    Where did this word "church" come from?

    Please see my new post "What does "church" really mean?
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    Where did this word "church" come from?

    It comes from an old Scottish word "kirk" or "kirke" (pronounced keer-kay. This word in turn comes from a Babylonian word "circe" (pronounced seer-say). The Babylonians worshipped the sun and Circe was one of the names they used for their sun god. From this word we get English words like circle...
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    Are you an overcomer?

    It is sad that today so many of the doctrines of the various denominations are so defeatist in nature. If you live by them you will be a failure in life. God does not call people to be failures. He calls them to be OVERCOMERS! Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I...
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    Are you an overcomer?

    It is sad that today so many of the doctrines of the various denominations are so defeatist in nature. If you live by them you will be a failure in life. God does not call people to be failures. He calls them to be OVERCOMERS! Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I...
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    What is the Narrow Path?

    When Paul was confronted by the Jews in the temple while he was taking a vow with others he was recognized and attacked. He was allowed by Roman soldiers to speak to them but his testimony was violently rejected. So the Romans held him until he was presented before the Jewish council. Here is...
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    What is a disciple?

    :D Very witty. I suppose you will be the one to put those ears back on. ;)
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    Disciples TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! What's it mean?

    Yes, it sounds like communism but these are the results of Jesus building His church. 1. He took the disciples out of the synagogues and put them into homes. 2. He took the leadership out of the hands of trained professionals and made leaders out of ignorant fishermen. 3. He did away with the...
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    Disciples TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! What's it mean?

    HAHAHAHJAHAHA! Judgemental...just like a good Baptist! And way off base as usual. P.S. I used to be a Baptist and then God delivered me. Deliverance from a religious spirit is the greatest of God's deliverances.
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    Disciples TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! What's it mean?

    The early church was composed of disciples, called anointed ones, who lived in community. What were the characteristics of these anointed communities that began in Jerusalem? 1. disciples abandoned the synagogues and lived together in homes 2. the leaders went from house to house teaching and...
  16. D

    What is a disciple?

    So based upon your very very few exceptions you have created a whole new group of people who call themselves Christians and thus they are "saved" but they are not disciples. I pointed out that New Testament scriptures from Acts onward only talk about disciples (NOT Christians) who identify as...
  17. D

    What is a disciple?

    There are always exceptions to the rule. Trying to replace the 99.99999999999% of scripture about disciples based on a few exceptions is dishonest at best. It is very obvious that the early churches were all considered disciples who called themselves anointed ones.
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    What is the Narrow Path?

    Ir is interesting to note that the word translated "broad" is a Greek word related to geography which is "plain". A plain is very flat usually covered with grass. It is very easy to go in any direction chosen with no resistance. And the wide gate makes it easy to enter the plain. This way is the...