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  1. D

    What is a disciple?

    I never said that disciples don't have joy but joy is different from happiness. Happiness depends on circumstances and things achieved through self effort while joy depends on relationships --- with God and each other. I guess you can keep on seeking pleasure and we will see if you save your...
  2. D

    What is a disciple?

    Your definition is too simple. A disciple is obviously NOT just a student. Students are learners hoepfully assimulating information. A disciple is a doer and in order to be a doer must first be a hearer.
  3. D

    Why Jesus is NOT coming soon

    So do you think Jesus was sent to save the world or destroy it? If you think He was sent to save it is He able to save it? If He can't save then He is a failure and must destroy it?
  4. D

    Do you think about heaven? What do you think heaven is like?

    I can't imagine why anyone would lie about such an experience. To try to say that everyone should have the same experience is very questionable. My grandmother had an operation on her throat and was dead for 7 minutres during which time she went to heaven. She was dranw through a tunnel to a...
  5. D

    Do you think about heaven? What do you think heaven is like?

    If you want some first hand experienced related to heaven go to youtube and search for NDE = near death experiences. These are stories by people who have died, gone to heaven, and returned to live on earth again.
  6. D

    Why Jesus is NOT coming soon

    The vast majority of people who call themselves Christians believe that Jesus could come any second, any minute, any hour, any day, any week, any month. I disagree and here is why. YOU are not ready. And when I say YOU I don't mean you as an individual, I mean you as part of the universal...
  7. D

    What is a disciple?

    You say not all are called to be disciples. Read the book of Acts and all the epistles. It is all about DISCIPLES, not the weak and ineffective name known today as Christians. You say you can born again and saved and not be a disciple. This is merely a doctrinal compromise to make excuses for...
  8. D

    Jesus spoke Hebrew

    Most theologians and historians insist that Aramaic was the common language used during the time Jesus walked on earth. I disagree and here is why. 1. The sign Pilate posted over Jesus on the cross included Latin, Greek and Hebrew. NO ARAMAIC! 2. Archeologists have found tombs, sepulchers and...
  9. D

    What is a disciple?

    Jesus said to His disciples to go out and make disciples. So what do we see today? Well, the Baptists make Baptists and the Seventh Day Adventists make Seventh Day Adventists and the Catholics make Catholics and the Mormons make Mormons and so on. All of these organizations are based upon...
  10. D

    What does the word "Christian" really mean?

    Jesus was the first man to be anointed with the Holy Spirit. Paul identifies Jesus and those who are anointed by the Holy Spirit in the same way as NEW CREATIONS. Never before in history had anyone been anointed like Jesus was. And those who follow Him in this anointing are NEW CREATIONS. But it...
  11. D

    What does the word "Christian" really mean?

    If you study the Greek word "called" used in Acts 11:26 you will find it means "instructed by God". I used to think it was a label given by non-believers in Antioch until I studied this word.
  12. D

    What does the word "Christian" really mean?

    The word Christian is not an English word, it is a Greek word. As a Greek word it has not been translated but rather tranliterated. A translation transfers a word's meaning from one language to another. The transliteration of a Greek word simply changes the Greek letters into English letters and...