Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. Angela53510

    Romans 10:13

    If you knew anything of theological history, you would know that John Calvin never created TULIP! "The name sometimes implies that they stem directly from John Calvin. In truth though, the formulation came after Calvin as a response from the Reformed to the Arminian Remonstrance that posited 5...
  2. Flannery

    Who's Interested in Doctrine and Faith?

    Oh, born again? from the conversation of Jesus Christ with Nicodemus. Yes, baptism of the water and of the spirit. It's always the spirit part that people spend the wind arguing about in debates. A baptism by immersion can be seen, recorded and even photographed. But the spiritual part people...
  3. G

    Who's Interested in Doctrine and Faith?

    The pyramid model refers to the top-down leadership style. Most churches have a pastor, maybe an associate and they mostly carry the burden of serving the church. Elders exist but usually to keep the pastor in line. I've known pastors who are in effect 24/7 slaves to the whims of their...
  4. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    Toplady reports that Jacob Arminius was formerly a Calvinist before he made a trip to Rome. As a matter of fact Arminianism is just a copy of Pelagianism or mild Pelagianism that rules the Roman Catholic soteriology. Therefore knowing that the Jesuits had already declared that Calvinism is...
  5. lonelysummer

    Despair Over the Future

    And that creates the situation where ANYONE can say "I'm not wrong, the Spirit told me this truth I share with you".
  6. P

    Despair Over the Future

    This is suppose to be a very simple subject, yet it is the most complex when we introduce our own biases based upon our own experiences and prejudices. I have never formally studied the subject of the church, neither have I studied the secular history of the church, post Jesus Christ's...
  7. Dude653

    Are we still protesting pagan holidays or did we surrender?

    Probably almost everyone on this forum is Protestant Christian because they believe Catholicism isn't biblical
  8. P

    Drunkenness' as sin in the Bible

    I am very close to having literally sinned every sin and still wonder if each time I was drunk or fornicating maybe with the same woman like living in a sinful relationship would be considered an individual separate sin? And for every theft likewise. And say for instance is being drunk from...
  9. JaumeJ

    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    kBelieve Jesus Yeshua..............
  10. P

    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    This may be my last post as I have suddenly by a gradual realization come to find this chat as possibly suspect and possibly collusive in some ways. After a very helpful conversation with my Catholic neighbor about an extremely unusual encounter via this chat which occurred early this morning my...
  11. G

    Is accepting Christ enough to be saved?

    Dead religion is a blight no matter what denomination. Catholicism has the wrong structures and wrong doctrines. Protestantism has many flawed structures, although less so than Catholicism. Protestant doctrines are more accurate, but doctrine never saved anyone. I have better acceptance and...
  12. G

    And the SMOKE of their torment...No eternal damnation for anyone, except the Devil

    Not sure why it boggles anything. However, I do understand your doubts about this. I have some questions myself, such as the passage in which God says that He came to call all men back to Himself, or something like that. Clearly all men will not be called back to Himself. Soooo... what does...
  13. Magenta

    And the SMOKE of their torment...No eternal damnation for anyone, except the Devil

    That is correct, since the vast majority of Christendom has long been seated or established in Roman Catholicism. Hopefully it is no longer a knee-jerk reaction to assume "Catholic" when one says "Christian," as that used to be the case. I suppose it is possible you do not believe RCC dogmas and...
  14. Phoneman-777

    Research: Majority of Americans Believe Works Are the Key to Salvation

    It's not an exact quote, but if you'd like, I'll find it for you - it's essentially the same. BTW, quotes that were nothing to find 5+ years ago seem to be disappearing as prophesied polarization of Christians toward either true Protestantism and Catholicism continues. And, who does...
  15. I

    Research: Majority of Americans Believe Works Are the Key to Salvation

    What Catholics believe and what Protestants believe, is of no concern to me. Actually, you also preach that the law must be strictly obeyed. Transgression of the law is also sin, within your interpretation. Works are not the evidence of salvation, anyone can occupy themselves with works...
  16. Phoneman-777

    Research: Majority of Americans Believe Works Are the Key to Salvation

    I don't think you fully understand things, friend. 1) I don't preach salvation by works, I preach good works are the EVIDENCE of having received salvation and the absence of good works are the evidence it has not yet been received., 2) Catholicism doesn't teach salvation is limited by...
  17. K

    The main reason there can never be true unity between Catholics and Christians

    Yep, if you read my posts I agree Catholicism has error. What I don't agree with is starting threads tearing down every denomination. I have friends that are born again that have remained in the church to try and show others the truth. Let's no send everyone to hell because they attend such and...
  18. Magenta

    The main reason there can never be true unity between Catholics and Christians

    It is the official position of the owner of this site that Catholicism is full of heresy. In fact, Protestantism exists because Catholicism is full of error.
  19. ResidentAlien

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    I hate Catholicism because it's a false form of Christianity that has done untold evil in the world. If it would stop calling itself Christian that would be one thing; but it pretends to be Christian when its anything but. It's not Catholicism per se I hate but all forms of demonic doctrines...
  20. I

    Institutionalizion of the Church

    If you are not a Protestant, why are you so opposed to the Catholic Church? Protestantism is a form of Christianity that originated with the 16th-century Reformation,[a] a movement against what its followers perceived to be errors in the Catholic Church.[1] (wikipedia)