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  1. T

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    When someone is in support of doing away with the separation of powers turning America into a one party dictatorship yes they have betrayed our country and any oaths they made to the constitution.
  2. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    And by the way I think we hijacked this thread we should probably take this to a new thread. You can create it if you wish.
  3. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    Then why are you supporting a candidate who is running on the platform of changing America into a one party dictatorship. Have you even read the transition plan?
  4. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    What you’re advocating for cannot be accomplished in a two party system. You’re advocating for a one party system, with the majority ruling over the minority something that would take physical force in order to accomplish. And somethings that the majority would not take lying down, dust leading...
  5. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    You’re advocating for the minority ruling over the majority which will be impossible without exhibiting force. Something the majority will not take laying down leading to mass civil unrest. So yes, that’s exactly what you’re advocating for.
  6. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    This is for us as Christian’s to fallow yes. You are making the case to use physical force in order to make others do Gods will. Were in the New Testament are we commanded to use physical force to Coerce other people into believing what we believe and act how we act?
  7. T

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I don’t believe we are at that same point in history. Let’s face it we don’t live in a capitalist society anymore America is now a corporatist nation. We are run by corporations that have designed this civil unrest in order to keep us at oneathers throats instead of Uniting against them as one...
  8. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    I believe killing babies is wrong absolutely. However the reality is that that the world doesn’t agree on whether or not it’s a life. Again, do you really expect the world to act like us without the love of Jesus. do you realize that we are in the minority and if we push this it will have to...
  9. T

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    I was supportive of him but now he wants to change the constitution and as someone who owes a debt to my relatives who fought in the revolutionary war and to my God to uphold the law of the land witch is the constitution I have a obligation to oppose him. that’s the line we Constitutionalist...
  10. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    Why do you expect to change a evil world without the love of Christ? Do you really believe forcing people to act like Christian’s instead of proclaiming the gospel and allowing them to make up their own minds in there own time, is what we should do as Christian’s?
  11. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    You have betrayed your country for the hatred of those you disagree with. Unbelievable.
  12. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    Unbelievable. I can’t believe I’m talking to the same group of people that talked about how much they loved the constitution and didn’t want it changed a few years ago. Truly a sad day for my country.
  13. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    But what about the constitution and the Separation of powers? Trump is running on the Consolidation of powers. As citizens of the United States, and especially those of us that are sons of the Revolution shouldn’t we rise against Trump to prevent him from changing The very fabric of our...
  14. T

    Attack on Moscow!

    I used to get all worked up about this stuff like you guys. I was talking about it with my pastor and he made the point that there is so much evil on the front stage to deal with you don’t need to drive yourself crazy trying to figure out all the evil going on backstage.
  15. T

    Rank Hypocrisy

    This belief about supporting Israel in our current time comes from dispensationalism, which is Only about 200 years old. It became popular in the late 19th century in America. So you have to ask yourself do you believe that God hid this interpretation from his people for around 1,800 years...
  16. T

    Is the City of Charlotte ignoring the homeless and the drug addicted?

    And this world is not our home. It’s the Devils playground what makes you think that the idea that this country could be a great Christian nation Isn’t a trick by the prince of the ari?
  17. T

    Is the City of Charlotte ignoring the homeless and the drug addicted?

    Actually, you’re mistaken. The founding Fathers of our country were not Christians in the traditional sense. They were members of the great awakening. They believed God created creation and then abandon it, and had no personal relationship with its creation. Thomas Jefferson Published his own...
  18. T

    Is the City of Charlotte ignoring the homeless and the drug addicted?

    can we stop pretending you’re a constitutional freedom loving American now?
  19. T

    Well isn't this reassuring...

    The automated McDonald’s Is having many issues it’s not ready to be franchised out yet. And the automated bussers, or just Robots that carry the dishes to the back. They still have to load them. It just gives them more time to clean the tables it’s not taking away any jobs yet. And who goes to...
  20. T

    Well isn't this reassuring...

    Here is a profile of the illegals in the country. Are you saying that data like this is false and their is a hidden profile of illegals from the countries you mentioned?