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  1. T

    Trump desecrates Flag

    I'm not going to address your silly whataboutisms. If you wish to talk about that further start another thread or private message me and we can have a discussion about it there. I'm addressing the fact that if Kamala signed an American flag the right would lose their collective head. And would...
  2. T

    Trump desecrates Flag

    If Kamal was doing this Newsmax, Fox News, Tucker Carlson and Benny Johnson would be talking about this as an automatic disqualifier for Kamala's candidacy until the day of the election. Before Trump if a Conservative candidate acted like him, he would automatically be disqualified. That's why...
  3. T

    Trump desecrates Flag

    Trump is like a child that is often caught stealing candy. His supporters get upset when you point that out, because they want Trump to be able to steal all the candy he wants and tell everyone at the same time, that he obtained the candy in the most fair way possible. Infact no one else has...
  4. T

    Trump desecrates Flag

    What do you mean?
  5. T

    Trump desecrates Flag

    I just started what happen apart from spin you make up your mind about what he did.
  6. T

    Trump desecrates Flag

    I posted this before news of the attempt broke. It wasn't approved until after the attempt.
  7. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    They still have constitutional rights under the fifth amendment. If you deport them without a fair hearing you're violating the Constitution and have made yourself an into a domestic enemy of the Constitution of the United States of america. You and others might not like the Constitution...
  8. T

    Trump desecrates Flag

    Earlier this year Trump called for jail sentences for people who desecrate the American flag. However he was seen in a video violating US flag code by signing the American flag with a...
  9. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Part of the problem is that providers know who pays their bills and if they addressed the trauma/abuse in children like they should, then that parent just stops therapy or goes to another therapist and then they lose a portion of their income. Government funded healthcare would also be a step...
  10. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    I agree. No it's not easy to treat however if we remove the stigma, stop funding corrections and use that money for early detection and treatment in adolescents, then that could work out much better than our current approach.
  11. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    So what's your suggestion on how to deal with this?
  12. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    I'm saying if people have access to pure regulated heroin they won't want to use fentanyl. Fentanyl is one drug we can keep out of the picture by treating the drug epidemic like a public health crisis. We need to treat drug addicts, not lock them up. The only reason people use fentanyl is...
  13. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    People should be allowed to do whatever they want to their body including taking substances that may harm them. The medical doctors,pushers and drugs are not to blame it's only the drug users alone are to blame. As cannabis has become legal alcohol use has decreased. When given the choice...
  14. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Those people who chose to use fentanyl are the only ones responsible for their own death. Don't try to shift the blame to fentanyl itself. People need to except responsibility for their actions alone. I believe all drugs including heroin need to be legal,regulated and readily available, ending...
  15. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Assuming everything you said is True then why must So the answer is jailing or exciting political enemy's? Don't you see this philosophy is right out of Soviet Russia?
  16. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    This sounds like The Great Terror of 1937, comrade.
  17. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Our country is a wonderful country. That's why people from other countries are coming here. Do not be afraid of what could happen. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart...
  18. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    In other words my problem is that I'm not afraid of what MIGHT happen. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. - John 14:27
  19. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    What I meant is the citizens of this country are descendants of immigrants who came here for a better life just like the Haitians in Springfield Ohio. They are no different than our forefathers were. Most of the Haitians in Springfield are there legally. For the sake of discussion let's say...
  20. T

    Tonight's Presidential Debate

    Lol I can't even take you seriously. Even if it did happen cultures clashing like that is normal. This type of culture clash has been happening since America was formed. It's nothing new or shocking. We didn't deport the Irish, Italians, russian and we even have a German immigrant running for...