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  1. fizzyjoe

    Last person to post wins!!!

    or does a chicken get the dinner?🤔🤣
  2. fizzyjoe

    what was that last part?🤣

    why thank you darling I have so much money I don't know what to do with it, but, you are so much more generous than I am sharing your face with the world😀❤... Sea World
  3. fizzyjoe

    what was that last part?🤣

    try to say something kind,nice, or romantic as if on a date😀❤... then finish with 1 word that sounds totally silly or completely off subject to what you just said as if nervous🤣😁😋 I'll start... you look absolutely stunning today that hair style of yours is soooo... Tuna
  4. fizzyjoe

    Nothing but questions.

    well I miss nothing so I must have known nothing before therefore nothing is somewhere out there waiting for me😀
  5. fizzyjoe

    Spiritual Baptism

    well I can't provide scripture at the moment gotta get out the door soon😅 but, perhaps a good basis for understanding is to explore just how different the two baptisms are yet similar in one aspect... that one must accept either one of Free Will,water baptism in particular is somewhat of a...
  6. fizzyjoe

    Nothing but questions.

    I suppose...would you happen to have nothing's forwarding address?😁
  7. fizzyjoe

    Nothing but questions.

    hmm seems I found questions instead of nothing... anyone know where nothing is?🤣😁 I mean it's nothing but, it would be something to find nothing,should I ask something?😅🤣👍
  8. fizzyjoe

    You Know You're Young When You.......

    when you have times that determination can give you a boost of energy to get something done😎👍💪(been walking a lot to get things done when I need)
  9. fizzyjoe

    Biblically does suffering/hardship lead to empathy?

    you're welcome it's one of the shortest books in the Bible so not much to go on exactly, actually some knowledge on the subject I actually learned from Veggietales ironically😁 they have a pretty decent adaptation that gives incite and stresses the severity Jonah might of faced either regarding...
  10. fizzyjoe

    Biblically does suffering/hardship lead to empathy?

    Amen God/Jesus comforts in those times and helps us to find strength and wisdom to get through are circumstances😀🙏
  11. fizzyjoe

    Biblically does suffering/hardship lead to empathy?

    well this a Christian Forum we can have such a thread if you'd like my first great person has always been Jonah, yes true later he was sort of a whiny baby wanting Nineveh to be destroyed but, he created the rare occasion of a person Running From God and interestingly enough a prophet of God's...
  12. fizzyjoe

    Biblically does suffering/hardship lead to empathy?

    yes true, a person who has lost sanity is not likely to change unless they can be reached in some way
  13. fizzyjoe

    Biblically does suffering/hardship lead to empathy?

    A very good point yes Jesus knew Lazarus would be revived yet he wept because just as in Ecclesiastes it says to everything there is a season, Jesus wept because he cared for Lazarus that much and he didn't reduce how he felt though he knew he would be revived because to do so would not be...
  14. fizzyjoe

    Biblically does suffering/hardship lead to empathy?

    Amen often people dislike that book of the Bible because of Job's suffering, because it sounds so sad and miserable but, in truth it's a testimony of what we all should aspire to, and Job is not the only such one to suffer, or be tested, some of the most valiant individuals even were not what...
  15. fizzyjoe

    I need help… Helplessly in love…

    amen just like the scripture what is meant for your harm will be worked for your good, often evil acts if it triumphs when it hurts us in some way but, victory is in Jesus, true we may experience problems or suffering in this world but, that is simply how the world is now, serving God/Jesus...
  16. fizzyjoe

    I need help… Helplessly in love…

    you're quite welcome I'm just happy to be back on the forums helping people again it's truly been too long,helping people especially the more depressed, socially awkward or all around mentally troubled are the individuals my heart and soul go out to because I myself have been through more than...
  17. fizzyjoe

    I need help… Helplessly in love…

    boy howdy I'm glad I can help people with my experiences,my life has been beyond crazy and I myself haven't exactly been the picture of good moral values lol though after accepting Jesus my eyes are open to what more good I can do for others and most surprised lately how incredibly patient I can...