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    May God watch over Namrata, her baby in the womb and her family always, as we entrust them to our good Lord. Amen.
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    And that's why we care for our health too like a precious gift, do as well as we can to prevent these from happening. Our spiritual well-being is so valuable, but other people not just learn abt physical health and well-being, but practice it:). God bless all who care for the Temple of the Holy...
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    I dont think so, my friend. Young or old, sick or well... God is with us always. And that's what should matter.
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    Raise your hand if you got the vaccine

    Had my fam vaccinated before, but this shot is different.
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    How is Namrata? I hope much better in the Lord.
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    They want to convert your children.

    I didnt either.
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    Do you have lost someone very special during this pandemic?

    I lost a special cousin in the UK, a frontliner who was working there with her family.
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    Olympic Gold for Phippines 🎖

    Praising God for our win(y)!!
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    Remembering in prayer, amen!
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    Nice gift

    Allow us to greet you here=): Is that how??!! shaadee kee saalagirah
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    Bimonthly prayer request for India

    Amen and amen!
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    Pray for Courtney and Sam who are going in a mission

    Thank You for the life of Courtney and Sam, Lord, and how You will show Yourself faithful to them and the mission field You're sending them to. In Jesus' mighty name.
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    I can quite understand, Krumbeard. I told my boys, i barely use socks now.. so have to deal w/ my husband's.. But when the boys do not match theirs, it can be a headache seeing so many pairless! I dont say we're rich... but is it the abundance of some things? As i have many siblings, would...
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    Advise needed family.

    Praise God for your faithfulness, sister. May God continue to strengthen you as u battle for ur husband and family. Will remember in prayer, as the Lord leads. Jesus is coming soon.. so we keep on faithful to our Lord also, as we let God's work unfold in our lives and those we are witnessing...
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    dad's birthday

    Praise God for your father's life, as we ask God to continue to bless as your father's hair grays... The Lord is good and faithful to His promises!
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    On trees

    Your thread reminds me of a favorite childhood poem by Kilmer: Trees=). We grew up with many trees, incl. narra (our national tree), coconut, the starapple or caimito we call it with colorful leaves we tried to catch as they fell, as well as large acacias giving shade and golden showers (below)...
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    A scripture game.

    Acts 5:29 (CJB) Kefa and the other emissaries answered, "We must obey God, not men.
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    Health& Wellness tip...

    Thank you for the tips.. I hope others pitch in their healthy tips too.. although there have been some threads on the topic. At times the small reminders can be a ton of help. I have a younger sister in Christ, who, after i mentioned i sometimes walked (or have to) considering i have no car...