Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. TMS

    Preterism, Futurism, Historicism 3 Schools of Interpretation

    continuing from above.. 51 Is this perhaps the reason why liberal Protestantism has become practically indistinguishable from Roman Catholicism in its theology and worship style? Could this be the reason why liberal Protestants are reaching across the abyss to clasp the hand of Catholicism...
  2. G

    A KISSed History of Beliefs

    KISSing the Kissed HOB produces the following framework: 1. Creation - Alpha, “Big Bang”, circa 14 billion years B.C. & Earth c. 4 billion years B.C., geography/space and chronology/time. 2. Language - GW & human oral language c. 10,000 B.C. is what writing records (communication). 3. Writing...
  3. G

    A KISSed History of Beliefs

    I end this KISSed HOB sixty years ago at 1964 mainly because I am not aware of any new significant beliefs after that year, and also because I became old enough to be able to remember history since then well enough by having lived during it. I conclude by sharing an analysis of the HOB timeline...
  4. ResidentAlien

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You're presumably an adult; you're free to believe and do what you want. However, you can't say you weren't warned. The Lord knows who are His. He'll guide you to the truth; if you sincerely want it.
  5. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I suppose, I should have also included that everyone who agrees with you is not an error. I understand that you need prayer. I will pray. Just so you know, I am not relying on what I believe or what I think when it comes to developing my faith and walk with Christ. I leave this up to the Eastern...
  6. S

    The Teachings of Jesus (TOJ)

    Catholicism Takes Credit for the Change Now a quote from the Catholic Press newspaper in Sidney, Australia. “Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claims to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles. From the beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that...
  7. S

    the Sabbath

    I remember years back discussing salvation with a coworker that had similar views of a works-oriented salvation. When I quoted several verses that spoke of believing, he became upset, stood up and proclaimed, ”If it was that easy, anybody could get saved,” Then left muttering to himself.
  8. mailmandan

    the Sabbath

    This article below was right. SDA's sure do seem to have a persecution complex. 3. SDAs Have a Persecution Complex The entire philosophy of SDA teachings regarding end-time prophecy is that the wicked are going to unite with Sunday-keeping Christians to persecute SDAs. Catholicism is...
  9. Cameron143

    Questions about Adam and Eve

    Sure, but you mentioned faith as a similarity. Faith always has an object. I'm asking what is the object of the Islamic faith?
  10. B

    Questions about Adam and Eve

    I think it is normal and natural to have significant differences between Islam and Christianity or other religion. That's one of the things I'm looking for. Think about it my dear, in Christianity itself, there are significant differences between Protestantism and Catholicism, even though they...
  11. ZNP

    German Government Collapse

    the Christian conservative party (CDU) applies the principles of Christian democracy and emphasizes the "Christian understanding of humans and their responsibility toward God". However, CDU membership consists of people adhering to a variety of religions as well as non-religious individuals. The...
  12. Nicolas

    Proof That Catholics Worship Mary

    Honestly, I don't think it's a topic worth continuing to discuss. The history of the Catholic Church and all its atrocities is well known to everyone. They have distorted the mechanism for salvation, saying that works are necessary. They have not distorted the image of Jesus as such. I already...
  13. R

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Don't agree with the different gospels part but appreciate your reply. Roger
  14. Musicmaster

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Actually, Roger, yes. I've shared Paul's Gospel with them, and they instead gravitated over to the Kingdom Gospel instead, harboring considerable confusions, thinking that works supplement their salvation rather than it being Christ alone, by grace through faith. They believe what the masses of...
  15. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    Docetism, Montanism, Adoptionism, Universalism, Valentinianism, Sabellianism, Gnosticism, Marcionism, Monarchianism, Modalism, Patripassianism, Psilanthropism, Sethianism, Basilideanism, Novatianism, Arianism, Donatism, Apollinarianism, Tritheism, Collyridianism, Binitarianism, Subordinationism...
  16. Magenta

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You should stop making assumptions about me.
  17. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    I never realized that I use that word that many times, I would agree it's most likely that I use the word multiple ttimes in one post. In no way am I supporting Roman Catholicism. I bring them up mainly because that word ties to the creed. Also because they were the first christian institution...
  18. N

    How non believers may view Christian's.

    You're making a claim that's not true. I don't have 16 posts that mention Catholic. The only time I brought up Catholic is when it pertained to the nicene creed. I do have posts in other places where I have mentioned Catholic a few times because some of their old practices such as mortification...
  19. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    The goal is already stated in the OP. What is your goal in trying to derail the topic? Sola scriptura means that it comes from the Bible that the Bible is the authority. The tale of Mary and the seven sorrows is in the Bible and this is the only place it is derived from. You are just simply...
  20. SonJudgment

    Mary Queen of Hearts and the Seven Swords

    Again, not purely from the RCC, Orthodox also contain this, and if you follow sola scriptura this should be acceptable as well to mainstream protestantism. Mainstream protestantism is defined as accepting the essential christian doctrines (ie: trinity, birth-life-crucifixion-resurrection of...