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  1. Budman

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    No. Can you name a day when you didn't sin? I'm sure you would remember it, because you would be the only person in history to have accomplished such a feat.
  2. Budman

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    Let me rephrase the question: How many times a day would you say you WILLFULLY sin - either by thought, word, or deed? (this is going to be interesting)
  3. Budman

    Back-loading Works into the Gospel:

    Do you still sin - by thought, word, or deed? About how many times a day would you say?
  4. Budman

    Choosing to sin, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, is choosing to be lost.

    Jesus did not "cover" our sins, He took them all away. He became sin for us. We have no more sins attributed to us - there are none in our account. Jesus took them all, and exchanged them for His righteousness. That's why salvation is always referred to as a "gift." A gift cannot be earned...
  5. Budman

    None is righteous, no, not one

    The Bible says born again believers are righteous, holy, and perfect. Why? Because we have the righteousness of Christ imputed to us. That's why we are declared sinless, because HE is! The flesh is impure, but it will pass away. We have a new nature - Christ's.
  6. Budman

    Help Me!

    Also, when you feel any kind of oppression - simply call out to the Lord Jesus to help you. He is willing and certainly able, and no oppressive spirit can stand against His holy name. They will flee from His name. Remember, Jesus is God and is always with you. No matter where you are or where...
  7. Budman

    Help Me!

    If you have called out to Jesus to forgive your sins and save you, you do not have to fear demonic possession. You are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, and He will not share you with a demon. You are a child of God and He will not abandon you. The Bible says He will never leave you or forsake you...
  8. Budman

    Choosing to sin, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, is choosing to be lost.

    If your definition of Hebrews is correct (btw, it's not) that means if you commit a single sin after conversion willingly, you are lost and on your way to hell with no hope of forgiveness. Because, as you believe, that scripture means there is "no more sacrifice" for a Christian who willfully...
  9. Budman

    Not By Works

    Okay. Let's say you commit 20 sins a day, either by thought, word or deed. (And that number is definitely on the low end). That 140 sins a week, 560 sins a month, 6,720 sins a year, 33,600 every five years, 336,000 sins over a ten year period. That, my confused friend, is the very definition...
  10. Budman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    "Mysterious disciple"? That "no doubt" was a disciple of John? Wow. You literally just made that up whole cloth. The Bible doesn't say, or even indicate that AT ALL. Incredible. You simply make up your own scripture when it suits you. And then you contradict yourself when you say: "Notice...
  11. Budman

    Not By Works

    One of my favorites...
  12. Budman

    Not By Works

    They can twist and turn all they like, but it all boils down to this: While we are in the flesh, we will sin. There is no getting around that. But praise God, every single sin - past, present, and future - was forgiven and washed away at the cross. There is nothing left to condemn us. Should...
  13. Budman

    Not By Works

    There are many here, and many more will certainly come, who have blinders on regarding their own hypocrisy. They so love to sit in the judgement seat and pronounce guilt upon those who do what they themselves do - every single day of their lives. I have challenged them many times to tell us...
  14. Budman

    Not By Works

    Hypocrite. You sin every day and yet judge against those who "continue" in sin. You are as much a habitual sinner as anyone else.
  15. Budman

    Choosing to sin, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, is choosing to be lost.

    Well, since you sin every single day of your life, you are choosing to be lost?
  16. Budman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Did Jesus give the man the power to cast out devils in Mark 9:38? The one who was not following them? Did Jesus give the people spoken of in Matthew 7:22 the power to cast out devils? The ones Jesus said he "never" knew? And since you keep avoiding this question, I'll keep asking it: At...
  17. Budman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Regarding Judas; I proved you wrong. And Mailman Dan's excellent post doubled proof of your error, so all you have is that weak post above to try and ease your wounded pride. Correct exegesis and you are polar opposites. You're an amateur. We proved that here, and more proof is how you get...
  18. Budman

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    You must have forgotten the eight years Obama was in office. The way his supporters and the MSM slobbered over him with all of the Messianic references and the magazine covers with beams of light and halos around his head, was an embarrassment.
  19. Budman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Again, the Bible clearly says they were not given the Spirit UNTIL Jesus had been glorified. John 7:39: "By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had NOT been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified." Tell me, what does...
  20. Budman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Having the Spirit "breathed on" them doesn't mean the Spirit was "in" them. They were not given the Spirit UNTIL Jesus had been glorified, as John 7:39 states: "By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since...