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  1. D

    Is it OK to work for the Lord?

    Paul states it pretty clearly here to the church in Colossae: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Col. 3:23-25 So many...
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    Favourite Bible Translations

    My favorite translation is Hawaii Pidgin: Da time eryting wen start, had one Guy. “God, He Talk,” dass who him. God an dat Guy, dey stick togedda, an da Guy stay God fo real kine. Dass da Guy, da time eryting start, him an God stay tight wit each odda. John 1:1-2. :) This just proves that it...
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    Did the Church institute Dec 25th to replace Pagan Festivals with a Christian Theme?

    It is interesting to me that in our present day, evangelical churches are striving to transform Hollween into a "Fall Festival" holiday. I wonder if we will ever succeed to the point of making it an official, national holiday.
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    Did the Church institute Dec 25th to replace Pagan Festivals with a Christian Theme?

    I feel for ya. I don't think you are going to your question answered here. You have piqued my interest, though. If you would be so kind as to list a few references you have read so far to point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
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    Is it OK to question church doctrine?

    I agree and disagree with you at the same time. If you look at Nehemiah Chapter 9, you get a picture of this massive gathering of the Israelites standing together in repentance. It must have been an amazing sight to see everyone standing together confessing the sins of their forefathers. And I...
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    Is it OK to question church doctrine?

    In direct response to your title: Yes. Most definitely. Don't get me wrong, I would never intentionally question our Lord and Savior when it comes to His church. I believe in THAT church with all my heart, even though my faith may be weak. However, I will question the crazy doctrines of...
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    This Is The Rule For A Glorious Life On Earth.

    Thank you for reminding me of that. Well put.:)
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    what is it like to be priveliged?

    We are priviledged. As God's very own, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are priviledged to be living on this side of Pentacost. As His elect, we get to spend the rest of eternity with Him in paradise. Living here on this decaying planet, we can sometimes overlook what is to come...
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    Great Expectations

    Excellent poetry from a historical perspective. Thanks for sharing.
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    Yes, I believe a well-timed word can give encouragement. We need that more than ever, don't we?
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    Yes, my personal problem exactly. I often put myself above God. Thank the Father He gave me the gift of Christ!
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    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    I heard a very good sermon today about faith. Probably the best I have ever heard on the subject. Very practical information also. The strange thing is the person who delivered it was a mere elder and not a pastor. I know, here I go again. I just don't get it. The church is currently...
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    Will The Sabbath Be Observed In The Eternal Kingdom?

    Good insite from almost everyone here. Thanks. I am motivated now to re-read these important passages from scripture.
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    Craig from UK looking for Christian fellowship

    Hello, Craig Greetings from the southwestern US. We're all just a happy bunch of desert rats dodging the rattlesnakes! Hope to get the scoop on how God is working in your life. Peace.
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    Vanuatu, Baby

    Lying in a hammock between sideways palm trees Watching lil' pumpkin fashion sand cakes with her shovel Momma in the villa getting all our clothes unpacked Feeding dirty diapers to the trash can in the back Vanuatu, baby an island made of sand Vanuatu, baby where we all walk hand-in-hand...
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    The first churches after Christ vs. today’s church

    Good point, and it seems to be the consensus among younger people. And just to clarify, I don't think all young people are looking for a handout like most in church leadership proclaim. On the contrary, most people are looking for ways to serve and connect without all the constraints of...
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    The first churches after Christ vs. today’s church

    I think the underlying theme of most of the responses here is that the Holy Spirit will carry us through. In Pastor Phillip DeCoursey's wonderful study of the Holy Spirit, You Have the Advantage, he gives us a very compelling reason for studying the Holy Spirit. He says: It is truly a...
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    The first churches after Christ vs. today’s church

    No, but they were much closer to each other than we are now. . Unlike today where the church establishment is more interested in expansion, the early church was more interested in making individual disciples. The irony is that their numbers grew while our numbers today are dwindling. And they...