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  1. Nebuchadnezzer


    That is an interesting point on the 360.
  2. Nebuchadnezzer


    I appreciate your corrections because the numbers I got were from the web. So thank you! As a side note, it seems extraordinarily hard to keep these Sabbaths, particularly for a gentile. Thanks be to God that we can rest in grace of our Lord in Christ Jesus!
  3. Nebuchadnezzer

    If the papacy is the first beast, why don't we consider the spanish inquisition to be the second?

    Remember in Daniel 8 the one horn of the goat was broken off and four horns relaced it. The four horns here refer to a splitting of the empire into four. In this way I think the two horns of the 2nd beast refer to a splitting in two of the 2nd beast. One example is that Catholism underwent a...
  4. Nebuchadnezzer

    If the papacy is the first beast, why don't we consider the spanish inquisition to be the second?

    First Idea: If you count all the horns of the 1st beast of revelation it's the same number of horns as all 4 beasts from Daniel 7. If you count all the heads of the 1st beast of revelation it's the same number of horns as all 4 beasts from Daniel 7. Also the lion bear and leopard from Daniel 7...
  5. Nebuchadnezzer

    If the papacy is the first beast, why don't we consider the spanish inquisition to be the second?

    One can speculate this, But No one can know this. Sorry to tell you this Ahwatukee!!! The bible is written in such a way that no one can interpret correctly the prophesy until after it is fulfilled. Only after fulfillment might someone be able to piece the pieces together and understand.
  6. Nebuchadnezzer

    If the papacy is the first beast, why don't we consider the spanish inquisition to be the second?

    The middle ages papacy was foretold about as the 2nd beast of Rev 13. The Spanish Inquisition was just a small part of the 2nd beast. ;) Remember: 2nd beast works in conjunction with the 1st beast. The pope (2nd beast) worked with the Spanish monarchy (1st beast) to carry out the...
  7. Nebuchadnezzer

    Can Christians listen to GAY artists?

    George Washington was a slave owner, should I not keep any one dollar bills? (and no I am not for removing George Washington from the bill!) Owning slaves is not loving your neighbor as yourself. And so this is sin. We are to spiritually separate from the world. We are not to literally...
  8. Nebuchadnezzer


    If so then the commandments for these additional sabbath days should be in effect as well. Perhaps someone can provide more information on these other sabbath days. Additional Sabbath Days There are a number of other Sabbaths in addition to the weekly Sabbath. The word “sabbath” means rest...
  9. Nebuchadnezzer

    I am a Seventh Day Adventist, Ask Me.

    Is Jesus Christ present in the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper?
  10. Nebuchadnezzer

    Why is "Good Friday" called "good?"

    I appreciate this insight. This is why I prefer to not observe certain days as more important than the other, especially if you got the wrong day. One point from your chart I find is that the 10th day of nisan falls on a saturday. But I feel that the 10th day of nisan the day the passover...
  11. Nebuchadnezzer

    Why is "Good Friday" called "good?"

    We agree that Jesus rested in the tomb on the Sabbath We agree that Jesus rose from the tomb the next day, the first day of the week. But what about the 10th of nisan to the 14th day of nisan? Lets discuss more. See my attachement on what I have mapped out. Maybe you have more for me to add...
  12. Nebuchadnezzer

    Why is "Good Friday" called "good?"

    I disagree. He died just before the sabbath.
  13. Nebuchadnezzer


    And to days: Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. I am persuaded that all days are alike. Everyday is Resurrection Sunday (the 8th day)!!
  14. Nebuchadnezzer


    Here is Colossians 2:16, which clearly mentions Sabbaths along with other days such as new moons or a feast [day] or a holyday. Colassians 2:16 King James Bible Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: But...
  15. Nebuchadnezzer

    Should you resist tyranny or obey - Romans 13 interpretation

    I have seen it for myself in revelation that the papacy was the 2nd beast of revelation when it worked in tandem with the imperial state. Church (2nd beast) and Imperial State (1st beast) worked together and served each other. But the Imperial State is gone now and the 2nd beast operates by...
  16. Nebuchadnezzer

    Should you resist tyranny or obey - Romans 13 interpretation

    You are free to exercise your rights as an American. Her view of making an assumptions on the future is error. But she also has freedom to refrain from exercising her rights to redress greievences and vote... What we should be careful not to do though is to join the church with the government...
  17. Nebuchadnezzer


    You are a student of Calvin who was a student of Augustine of Hippo who was and is a Doctor of the Roman Church. You are following the Sabbath doctrine instituted by the Roman Church, which is in error. Of course Romans 14 is referring to the Sabbath as well as other days such as feast days...
  18. Nebuchadnezzer

    The key to the Pre-Trib Rapture:

    What is retraining you from seeing the man of lawlessness? Yes I'm talking to you! Who is restraining you from seeing the man of lawlessness? Answer: You. It is YOU who restrains you from seeing who the man of lawlessness is. If you would just get out of your own way it would be plain to see...
  19. Nebuchadnezzer


    This is rubbish and off topic. Read Romans 14 and pray on it.