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  1. Nebuchadnezzer

    Why Do Christians Ignore some of Jesus' Teachings?

    This is not true. Jesus washing the disciple's feet was a literal example of a spiritual truth. Fellow brothers in Christ ought to wash each others feet meaning that we are cleaned by the blood of the Lamb but we still have to traverse this filthy, dirty, sinful world and our feet get filthy...
  2. Nebuchadnezzer


    This thread is about the Sabbath and you have now twisted it into baseless speculation on the Mark of the Beast. Did you even read Romans 14?
  3. Nebuchadnezzer


    I have been sealed with the promised Holy Spirit who is my guarantee of the promise of the blessed inheritance until we acquire possession of it. Ephesians 1. I don't have to fear the mark of the beast meaning my salvation is not contingent on the works of correctly identifying the mark of the...
  4. Nebuchadnezzer


    This is a man-made stipulation. This is not from God. If your conscience steers you to keep the Sabbath then so be it I will not judge you. But when you try to force your weak faith on my strong faith it is you who are in error. Read Romans 14.
  5. Nebuchadnezzer


    Circumcision was a required commandment.. You wake up. Is the commandment of circumcision of the flesh still required? No!! But circumcision of the heart is!!.
  6. Nebuchadnezzer


    Keep the sabbath holy. we keep the Sabbath by believing in Jesus as Holy God who fulfilled the law. Jesus indeed rested on the Sabbath. Israel failed to keep the Sabbath. You think Gentiles can? It is faith through Christ Jesus that saves. Trying to keep the Sabbath as the jews try does...
  7. Nebuchadnezzer


    No, Jesus fuliflled the Sabbath by resting in the grave the entire Sabbath Saturday. Jesus broke through the seven day sabbath cycle and entered the 8th day when he rose from the grave on Sunday, the 8th day. Those who are "in Christ" have also broken through the seven day Sabbath cycle and...
  8. Nebuchadnezzer

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    It seems that many churches of significant size will have a head or lead or senior Pastor and underneath him will be one or more associate or assistant pastors. What do you think of this structure?
  9. Nebuchadnezzer


    Is not Abraham and Issac and Jacob our fathers and yet we are not Hebrew/Jew? The popes most certainly claim Abraham and Issac and Jacob to be their fathers. Ahhhh yes! I believe what I see is 'new,' I mean how would you know unless you actually listened.
  10. Nebuchadnezzer


    Good job, that's the pope. You nailed it! ;)
  11. Nebuchadnezzer


    So we are not seeing eye to eye. OK, it is your thread.
  12. Nebuchadnezzer


    Does this refer to the papal throne in which they have no interest in marrying women?
  13. Nebuchadnezzer


    I got up to this point and so far I like a lot of what you are writing. If I may I'd like to share a point of my own to see if it is close or aligned with what you are stating. I agree the 4th beast is both the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. The 4th beast with 10 horns is the Roman...
  14. Nebuchadnezzer

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    Informative, thank you. Would you consider a non-denominational church as still being a denominational church? how does the house church work? Do you have overseers and deacons? Do they have formal seminary degrees?
  15. Nebuchadnezzer

    Is God giving America up?

    Sins have always spewed from America. - Slavery - the careless and reckless slaughter of the buffalo to hurt the indian - the abusive exploit of child labor - a disregard for safe work practices. - hatred, lynching, the KKK - Dilinger, Al Capone, and other gansters Today the sins that spew...
  16. Nebuchadnezzer

    WHICH Bible "version" Is Authorized By God?

    What is yours? biblehub is a very useful source. You suggest to boycott it. Why? And what do you recommend in its place?
  17. Nebuchadnezzer

    WHICH Bible "version" Is Authorized By God?

    because of rupert murdock and the NIV? Or because of another reason(s)? can you suggest an alternative to Biblehub?
  18. Nebuchadnezzer

    Are there any radical reformers out there?

    I didn't see this post. Sorry. Thank you for sharing! To you attend any church now, do you know anybody who is(are) believer(s) and do you fellowship with any of them?
  19. Nebuchadnezzer

    WHICH Bible "version" Is Authorized By God?

    So should we boycott Biblehub also because they include the NIV?
  20. Nebuchadnezzer

    WHICH Bible "version" Is Authorized By God?

    Here's your answer: Biblehub