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  1. Lookupnotback

    On the Day of Destruction

    Revelation 3:10 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
  2. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    Ahhhh....the evilnotion the makes one take the largest leap of faith to support it’s religion of Nothing times by Endless ages equals EVERYTHING!.....THING!.....ING!,,
  3. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    Evilnotionist’s :-)
  4. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?! Are you going to waist it on lies that go beyond reason of things like never does and organism increase in the natural info within the DNA and the info needed to build the RNA machines needed for DNA reconstruction of the info there in and on and on we go in the faith based religions...
  5. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    ....weeeeell, I don’t know about that....if there are not man’s teeth marks on t rex’s ankles? Maybe we should be looking for man’s teeth in t rex’s belly!-),
  6. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    Evilnotion (evolution), does not happen but on small scales and always the beast returns back to the mean from which it changed after the stressors are removed from it:-) Plusssss all we ever see is a loss in the original info from within the beast that the changes are forced upon my a...
  7. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    ...hey! Wait a minute!?? Is this anything like who is accused of hanging out with the Russians vs who actually has been?-)
  8. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    ....yes, the all powerful God of creation, who is intimately involved with all aspects of it and so to that end? As part of that creation? Mankind must fall on their faces in humble and shaking adoration. The false pride of man that lead him to the fall, just can’t stand that kind of “ideal”...
  9. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    Oh yes, this is all about the developing, drawing out, maturing of the bride of Christ and how That all relates to the faith aspect in all things.
  10. Lookupnotback

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    ...and I am saying their are “believers”, who are sadly lost in their works based faith or selfish emotional trip’n faith and so why Jesus tells them on the judgement day “I never knew you.”, he is speaking to the “church” or what one could think was believers from just looking in through the...
  11. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    Ok, I’ll dig into a bit but to start? Why is it we are told the record shows continual increase in complexity of organisms from the simplest single celled one’s upward? That’s the book’s diagrams always pushed upon us. Then the different types of catastrophes you speak of? We went...
  12. Lookupnotback

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    We can tell them by their works....and then if in a place of challenge where someone seems to be off track? Where does their heart lay? Which means they will know the heart of God and be approachable in being drawn to God’s word and design for us and not trying to make His word say what it is...
  13. Lookupnotback

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    ...but the fallen angels “believe”, so that statement you make needs more fleshing out so people are not seduced by false beliefs!-)
  14. Lookupnotback

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    ...and a true Christian is not separated from Hod but the slipping and placing of lives sins ahead of God’s design for us? Can neuter the ability of the Holy Spirit to teach us mission Into God’s will for us and effectual light sharing to the world around us.
  15. Lookupnotback

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    Yes, this is where bondage to favoured sins comes in and so we are taken off course for submission of our will to Hod and so the ability of the Holy Spirit to work both in us and through us to shine out to the world around us and so hampering the works we are to be about for the coming of the...
  16. Lookupnotback

    How old is our creation really?

    why is it they refuse to even discuss that the fossil record is that of a cataclysmic event where the most fragile forms are taken out 1st and then upwards towards heavier boned and sinking creatures, to those that bloat and fall into the silt as it is continually settling and then the ones on...
  17. Lookupnotback

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    Do you really think someone or thing can take away from God, what he has marked as his? All the warnings are to the falsely seduced into thinking they are saved in the 1st place. In theory a young christian could be loured away through going places they shouldn’t? But then you bring in the the...
  18. Lookupnotback

    No one helplessly falls away from Christ - it's a choice

    The heart of man is deceitfully wicked and yours is deceiving you in thinking you play a role in your salvation, this is the false pride we all are challenged by same as satan in wanting to be Hod and Eve in thinking when God gave to her everything but the fruit of the tree? That she was being...
  19. Lookupnotback

    New here...

    It comes from my observations on life that if we are focusing on the past and not looking up? Then it become a 24/7 obsession a handing over to a false love if you will? And not where our focus is to be for strength to go on, the meaning in life for which we were made by our Creator and not the...