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  1. D

    Is It Still Okay To Talk About God In Church?

    It should not be the main focus. Good, please do your part to keep it that way, and teach others. Wonderful! But it should not end there. Faith Without Works Is Dead What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a...
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    Please describe your daily lifestyle

    I know we say this to all the veterans but "Thank you for your service" (to your family, and to God).
  3. D

    Please describe your daily lifestyle

    Yeah, I am really beginning to see the value in this sort of, "digital fellowship." It's kinda cool to be able to freely talk about God. Sometimes I wish I could do that in a church :rolleyes:
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    Is It Still Okay To Talk About God In Church?

    There is an enormous disconnect between what believers should say during a church service and what is actually said. For example, a new couple may wander into the sanctuary for the first time and be greeted by the pastor with two questions; the first is usually, “So, where are you both from?”...
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    Please describe your daily lifestyle

    I don't trust you, so you will just have to tell us :D C'mon, out with it! It's not like we can stone you! Tell us what you do all day...
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    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    This is a very broad topic. I am sure this is not the only time it will be brought up. I believe one of the reasons for the mass exodus of church-goers is that our society is transitioning out of the old, tired, institutional business models. Our large department stores, like Sears, are...
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    A Journey to Sychar

    Thank you Oyster 67, for sharing. There's no better way to tell this beautiful story than in the KJV.
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    Tempted Overcomer (a poem about addiction)

    If this is a poem about what you are currently going through, I am deeply sorry. No child of God should have to go through any of it, but here we are. This fallen world will beat us to a pulp until we meet our Father face to face. Sometimes we can feel that day can't come soon enough. But take...
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    A Journey to Sychar

    I placed myself (as I often do)in the middle of a bible story. In this case, it was when Jesus confronted the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well on his way to Galilee. The town she was from was called Sychar. When Jesus confronted her about her sin, she suspected he was the Messiah. He then...
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    A Journey to Sychar

    A Journey to Sychar Standing alongside you Dear sister at the well running dry A native and A traveler likewise in our guilt Standing alongside you Dear sister as he tells us who he is The source of Living water the Messiah for all Standing alongside you Dear sister proclaiming the Good...
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    Parable of the Orphans

    Very nice. I believe this is what is called a parallel narrative, where we as writers insert new characters into a familiar story. I often like to put myself in place of a bible character and see what outcome I would have by taking their place; for example, one of the sick people Jesus healed...
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    Excellent cadence here. This is a nice mix of anguish and resolution. The summation at the end tells of what your prayers really mean to you. Well done.
  13. D

    At The Brackish Water

    At The Brackish Water He came to me one day At the pond of brackish water My twelve year old frame Sprawled out, fully extended A tenebrous state For a spry little youngster He asked of my desire The Savior, my Savior My 12 year old eyes Remained opaque, wretched lineage! Lord, I can’t...
  14. D

    So, What Do You Do For A Living?

    I agree. But I would take your argument a step further to suggest that even for the smaller churches, this is too often the norm. For example, you could argue that a church denomination is a type of franchise. I mean no disrespect here. After all, denominations are by far the best solution we...
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    Outstanding, thanks for sharing. Very well honed.
  16. D

    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    Yes, I agree. But that does not necessarily mean blindly following a church hierarchy whereby its primary mission is strictly self-preservation. And I also buy into the teaching in Hebrews 10:27 about the importance of gathering with other Christians. However, I haven't been able to find...
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    So, What Do You Do For A Living?

    I am very proud of you, sister. Keep up the good work.
  18. D

    So, What Do You Do For A Living?

    I do love the United States of America. After all, it has been my home for over 56 years! And I'm sure you love your country too; as you should. Yeah, I agree. However, I don't think we can wrap it all up in such a neat little package. The dynamics of the problem are complex, at best. We just...
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    Hello from Brazil

    It's been a while since we had a white Christmas in Las Cruces. Where's Bing Crosby when you need him? When all else fails, pray for snow :)
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    Hello from Brazil

    I reside in Las Cruces, New Mexico. We are on the northern triangle of the Chihuahuan Desert. The elevation is about 4700 FT ASL.