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  1. D

    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    Sorry, I don't know what MGTOW means. Apparently, I live under a rock :D
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    Wedding Vows For the New Millennium

    Imagine witnessing a young couple getting married in 2020; the bride in her beautiful wedding dress, and the nervous young man in his tuxedo. The backdrop is a stained glass window in the church where they grew up together. The preacher opens his Bible, and begins the marriage ceremony: “We are...
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    Missing Companionship.

    Let me be clear. There is no excuse for a woman to leave her husband just because she thinks he's not a "good enough Christian." I get so angry with pastors who dress down men in front of the wives. If we really believe men are the head of their households, we should be building them up, not...
  4. D


    Beautiful. She sounds precious.
  5. D

    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    I liked your reply, but I am truly sorry you had to leave that church.
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    Tithing. What are Christians suppose to do?

    Well, you were right. You kicked a hornet's nest. But the nice people on this forum-- as usual-- have answered the question with grace and humility. In a week or two, I would like to revisit this topic, maybe in a different post since I have a complicated view of it. Kudos for a great question.
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    spiritual struggle

    I saw this reply the other day and didn't have time to respond, but I feel compelled to do so now: It seems the buzz-phrase for the new Millenium is, "Taking scripture out of context." The atheists like to use this to try and persuade Christians that a single verse can never stand alone by...
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    spiritual struggle

    You're putting words in my mouth, dear friend. I did not say the people in that church were prejudiced against me. I simply stated that being in a church as a minority can be uncomfortable. I'll give you another example: I was attending a church for a while where if you were under the age of...
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    spiritual struggle

    Hi Tumi, just so I am clear, is it you who has used your faith as a weapon, or is your faith being used as a weapon against you? 1. Confess your sins often, confess them early, and confess them fully to the Father, in the name of Jesus 2. Ask for forgiveness 3. Read the book of John and get...
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    spiritual struggle

    It can make a difference. I am from the southwest. A few years back, I attended a Catholic service where I was the only non-Hispanic person. It can get uncomfortable. Unless you have been in her shoes... you really don't know.
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    Why there is no faith and power in Jesus here

    I would have to draw the conclusion, from what is written in the original post, that this is a treatise on what is amiss with the Catholic church. Unfortunately, that is just the way it is. We live in a fallen world: Then the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing...
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    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    Unfortunately, this thread has turned into an aggregation of finger-pointing and vitriol. I'm curious. From Eldrdave's post, how did you draw the conclusion that he is a misogynist?
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    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    Actually, this is not what I have said at all. Again, I implore you to go back and actually read my posts all the way through before you make judgments against them. I would never berate anyone for "not going to church." In fact, if you actually read what I have written, I am diametrically...
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    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    I agree. The whole concept of "church service" is flawed at best. I agree with this also. True discipleship requires more than one hour a week spread out over hundreds (or even thousands) of people. In the current church model, there is very little room for growth, since only one person is...
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    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    I'm not sure what this reply has to do with someone not being able to find a ride to church. I think it would be better if you read the entire post, that way you are not taking things out of context. Blessings to you.
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    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    Please show me in the Bible where it says we must "go to church." And before you turn to that go-to passage about not forsaking the assembly, we have to realize what the terms "assembly" or "gathering" really mean. I am sure Paul was not talking about constructing a separate building, burdening...
  17. D

    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    There is something to be said for gathering together. In fact, the Bible mandates it. Denominations are good because of the administration being able to hold the pastor accountable. But Jesus never meant for his church to be a "club with members." Quick story. I wanted to be a "member" of a...
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    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    Your story warms my heart and breaks it at the same time. This is precisely why we need to go back to fellowship the way the early church did. I know it's difficult sometimes meeting at home, but at least you are in your own territory. I don't know if house churches are the answer, but the way...
  19. D

    Your Reason For Not Attending Church

    That's totally inexcusable on your church's part. Disgraceful. And I am sorry. I bet if you asked, someone would step up. I will pray that you find the courage to ask, and someone in your congregation will act on your behalf. All God's blessings to you.
  20. D


    Welcome, and thank you for sharing that wonderful passage of scripture. May the blessings of God be with you.