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  1. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Thank you, Eternally Grateful. I knew it was somewhere, just been awhile since I read it.
  2. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Absolutely. Maybe you can start a conversation between you, Lafftur, and I. I would enjoy getting to know you guys better.
  3. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Maybe when He shows up He can do something about the editing time limit around here. It's getting old, Lol.
  4. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Oh my... :D You know, this actually may involve a little interpretation where fulfillment is concerned, because while it is prophesied that He will manifest Himself visibly to church councils in larger cities in the end-times, this dream could be saying He will fully manifest Himself through...
  5. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    If you like to laugh, you'll have good company when I'm around. I switch from theologian to goof off in an instant. Somebody posted a verse yesterday that I hadn't noticed before, and my reaction was, "One of those verses that's hiding in plain sight, I guess," and added the following picture.
  6. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Very good! Lol. That one would have taken me a second; probably would have had to walk off and seek the Lord in prayer before I picked up on that one. Yeah, it's always the really weird ones where you know there's something to it. I used to interpret like a maniac for strangers at That...
  7. Vindicator

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    A few more verses you might like that explain why we have to strengthen ourselves as soldiers, and continue to fight the good fight of faith: This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage a good warfare... (1...
  8. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    @Blain. I meant "will ask questions through you that lead in the right direction." I like this forum, but I have to say I'm not too wild about the five minute time limit on editing my posts, Lol.
  9. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Oh really... how interesting. @Lafftur. You interpret, sister? This is rare. It's usually the other way around. Interpreting other people's dreams is much tougher because if they are personal, you have to do some digging, though the Spirit through you will questions that lead in the right...
  10. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Lonely since childhood. Parents who fought a lot and a mother who was rarely there, followed by a series of failed relationships. Thankfully I made a wise choice in a wife, as she has both the toughness to stand with me and the understanding to make me feel like a have a real partner in...
  11. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    I'm slowly learning to be increasingly careful. Interpreting dreams is tricky, especially without discernment or word of knowledge. It can be like seeing through a glass VERY darkly, where you make out certain things but the big question is: Who are the subjects in this dream? Is it about this...
  12. Vindicator

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    We may end up disagreeing on a few things here and there because I'm brand new here and have no idea what everyone teaches, but that post just earned you a follow. I don't identify as a prophet either, but I have had prophecies fulfilled many times now, several of which have saved forums...
  13. Vindicator


    What's that about? Lol. Does seem like a deterrent, whatever's going on. :eek:
  14. Vindicator

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    Starting to grow concerned about this myself, quite frankly. There is also the problem of the enemy going after people who walk with you, and if those walking with you are not strong enough to endure what will come (most are not) the enemy turns them against you, or at the very least causes them...
  15. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Hello, Gideon. This is another reason why the gifts are still needed and always will be unto the Lord's return. There is way too much sin being practiced that is not being brought to light and corrected. In truth, much of the church isn't any more ready for correction than that adulterer was...
  16. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    RA, so you understand, he actually was answering your question. Agabus prophesied that Paul would be bound and taken captive when he went to Jerusalem. This information is not found in any of the Old Testament books, nor in the Gospels, nor stated explicitly in any of the epistles. It was...
  17. Vindicator

    Biblical faith what can it really do?

    Then you'll be glad to know I didn't even pick up on any of that from you, LoL. I'm a four year veteran of the forums myself, so I'm used to far worse. :) And yes, I was telling someone just yesterday that being tested is what forums are really good for; they test you mentally, theologically and...
  18. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Thanks for posting with a bigger text size, sister. I just realized how to do it after reading your post, and the default text size at this forum is a bit too small for my tastes as well. :) They should default to something like 18 (Just my opinion).
  19. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Agabus and the other prophets who were members of that congregation were present, as well as Luke by his own testimony, and yet the text states "both we and those from that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem." Now let me ask you: Does this mean that all who were pleading with...
  20. Vindicator

    More pieces fall into place

    Nehemiah, I posted a reply earlier that I haven't gotten any reaction to yet. If you could, tell me what you think of this post in relation to true prophets potentially speaking what is false. God bless, - V...