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  1. pickles

    Please pray for me

    Praying for you in Jesus. God bless pickles
  2. pickles

    Praying for Joe

    He is in my prayers in Jesus. God bless pickles
  3. pickles

    My Family

    You and your family are in my daily prayers in Jesus. I have seen many family members, some who I thought never would, in recent months accept Jesus, He is truly calling many with His love! Ill be praying! :) Hugs and God bless pickles
  4. pickles

    Difficult situation

    Levi85, I am so happy to hear much has improved! :):) You and your work have always remained in my prayers, even if I wasn't here. Also, so good to see you again, have missed you and so many here. I do believe the internet problems where I live have finally been resolved. I have seen much in the...
  5. pickles


    hugs Gemmy, of course you are in my prayers, thankyou Jesus that we are given the gift to pray, as it always means there is hope. :) Hugs and God bless pickles
  6. pickles

    Pray for my adult son

    Praying in agreement in Jesus's name. God bless:) pickles
  7. pickles

    House Prayer (again)

    Praying in Jesus. :) God bless pickles
  8. pickles

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    Praying in agreement in Jesus's name. God bless pickles
  9. pickles

    Losing Hope - Frustrated/Confused

    You are in my prayers in Jesus. Many times I have seen such times, Just went through a span of many months of this, when it was over, what joy!, For this is when God is doing good works in you. :) Too often I found myself focused on the problem, rather than keeping my eyes on Jesus. Be still...
  10. pickles

    Not in a good place in my life again

    You are in my prayers in Jesus. One of my fave scriptures when feeling depleated is... For God sent a gentle rain to fall upon a dry land, renewing His promise when we were weary. Hugs and God bless pickles
  11. pickles

    Feeling unwell

    Praying in Jesus for a cooler tomorrow. God bless pickles
  12. pickles

    Pray for my mom

    Your mom is in my prayers in Jesus. God bless pickles
  13. pickles

    Hungry people

    Praying in Jesus. God bless pickles
  14. pickles

    New Pastors

    Praying in Jesus. God bless pickles
  15. pickles

    Mom has severe edema. Please pray!

    She is in my prayers. I battle gout myself, I know how painful it is, my heart to her in Jesus. Did you know that coleslaw is a natural diuretic? Black cherry juice is good also for helping with water retention. :) Hugs and Godbless pickles
  16. pickles

    Riots in Minneapolis

    What happened to George Floyd was horribly and heart-breakingly wrong. What is happening there now is also wrong. May we pray for all! {The thief comes but to steal, kill and destroy.} God bless pickles
  17. pickles

    not so new, but it has been a while.

    That's ok, not everyone likes pickles. (: I have a cat named pickles, we love him. LOL God bless pickles (:
  18. pickles

    not so new, but it has been a while.

    missed all of you as well. I am glad to be back. I may sometimes be limited due to some minor health stuff, but nothing to worry about, just getting older.LOL! Thanks for the help and reminders on workings here, seems there are some new things, but Im sure Ill soon catch up. Please forgive any...
  19. pickles

    not so new, but it has been a while.

    :) Hi all, Im an old member here, but have not been here for a while as had some laptop issues. Finally I have a good working laptop again, although cannot make any promises about how well I do with laptops, still pretty lacking in computer skills. It is good to see some of the old faces here...
  20. pickles

    What I learned from the Bible...

    Time is precious to me lately, so Ill try to keep this short. But trying to put a lifetime of learning faith into a few words may not be easy. I hope many of you will take this to heart. The most important thing I have learned from the bible is... That everything needed is there, and everything...