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  1. pickles

    surgury update :)

    Im sorry it took so long to get back and update. The surgury itself went well, I can bend the fingers on my left hand now without them locking up, its wonderful. :) But there is a small glitch, because of how dry my skin has been and drs still trying to figure that part out, my surgury wound is...
  2. pickles

    Prayer for Pakistan

    Pakistan has suffered a terrible attack upon a school there. A school was attacked by the taliban, killing 142, most, children. There are no words for such an offence. I ask that we all come together in Jesus's name, in prayer, for so many there right now who are suffering terrble grief. May...
  3. pickles

    update and prayer

    Sorry it took so long to do this update,lots going on, finnally here though. :) Saddly the blood test came back ana negative, so I will now have to have the salivary gland biopsi. Not to excited about it so continued prayer for this please. I am scedualed for surgury on my left hand next week...
  4. pickles

    Have you ever noticed?

    Sometimes I do wonder about things alot,:rolleyes: but this one I wanted to call us all to consider. :) And although there is nothing wrong in recieiving, for we are called to recieive Jesus. :) Have you ever noticed that it is when we serve, give, do for others, set ourselves aside and...
  5. pickles

    update and prayer

    Seems all Im seeing is drs lately, but im hopefull all will bring improvment. :) Tomorrow is the mri on my hands, and wensday will see dr to discuss results and surgury and then scegual emg. Also, saw my rheum. last week, and there is question that I might have shogrens, had some blood tests...
  6. pickles

    Lately, so much sin...

    Lately, Jesus has been showing me just how much sin there is, showing me just how it fills the world. At first, I was overwhelmed, but then, Jesus said, keep your eyes on me, as He always does. :) It was then that I began to see, the reason why, not the ussual, where one would despair or be...
  7. pickles

    Flooded, prayers please

    I dont have much time as pretty busy here. But my son's home is being flooded right now. So far the waters still not damaging his home yet, as it is a lifted home because of it's location. But the waters came up so quickly, we managed to get all but one vehicle and his motorcycle out. We can no...
  8. pickles


    Sin, we have had alot of discussions about sin here. For many reasons, its effect on us and its effect on our relationship with God to why we should avoid sin to God's loving grace. But, I dont know if we have ever really sat down and discussed how when we sin, the effect and trespass it has on...
  9. pickles

    prayer for hands

    First, I want to say Im sorry I havnt been here lately, the cold weather has been hard on my hands, making typing difficult. I do want to let all asking for prayer here know, in Jesus, to praise God, for He keeps me mindful of all here and their need of prayers, and makes sure I remain faithfull...
  10. pickles

    faith alone?

    In the Bible, again and again the importance of faith is spoken to. As I share this, please understand that I am not saying we should ever dismiss or not read the scriptures, but the intent of this thread is to show that one must have faith, in all scriptures read, and all we are asked to...
  11. pickles

    Favorates of this time of year! :)

    I dont know about you, but I love this time of year. :) The fall leaves, windy days, frost that paints everything with diamonds. More time inside with a fire and family. :) And foods, satsuma tangerines are my fave, like candy for me, and eggnog mixed with sprite, a dab of whipped cream on top...
  12. pickles

    A few requests for prayer

    First, for my husband, he is struggling right now in faith, please pray in Jesus that he will find the peace that surpasses understanding in Jesus. Second, for my future daughter in law, she recently suffered a severe electical burn, that fried her engagement ring and burned away a large...
  13. pickles


    Some of you may remeber a previous post I did about skin sores, turned out to be a form of placking exzima. Well, after a few mnths I wasnt seeing any improvment and was getting frustrated and suffering alot. Untill my daughter's, friend's, mom came to meet us. She also had had a terrible...
  14. pickles

    It's a boy!!!!

    First, I thankyou and praise you in Jesus's name, Father for a safe and easy delivery for my daughter, and for a healthy baby boy!!!!! I also want to, again, thankyou all for your prayers, after only about four hours of labor, my daugher delivered with ease, a wonderful , healthy and...
  15. pickles

    Some smiple prayers needed...

    I was giving a back massage to our cat yesterday, like I do everyday, as he has arthritis in his back. Well, he must have been very sore and I must have hit a painful spot as suddenly he bit my hand very hard. By last night my hand was swelling alot, so a trip to the ER and now Im on some strong...
  16. pickles the days to come

    It has been about thirtyfive years ago. I was with my prayer group at the time, when a knowladge in Jesus, filled me. At least that is the best way I can best describe it, one minute we were all praying, the next, I knew , as though I had lived it, a knowladge of what was already here, and would...
  17. pickles

    In the news: Chapstick banned as a drug?

    Yup, our nation's educators have clasified chapstick as a drug, at least at a school in Texas this is happening. How redicules have we become, that children in a grade school have to gather signatures, and fight to be allowed to use chapstick. I guess the school sees chapstick as a dangerous...
  18. pickles

    There has been alot of discussion.......

    There has been alot of discussion about which bible is the right one, or which ones are decieving, or what does one trust lately. Now, Im not talkng about the obvious deceptions, ones written for a different god or belief, or like the pocket bibles I picked up at the discount store that had...
  19. pickles

    seeds from the sumac :)

    Well, I have a beautiful sumac, acually several, and finnally was able to conferm that the type I have is not the deadly kind, but edible. We also learned that not just the berries, but the young growth shoots are edible, can be used for flavoring, and the plant has medicinal qualities. I was...
  20. pickles

    God's chastisment

    Do not refuse God's chastisment, for like the father corrects the son he loves, so does God chastise the the one He loves! We dont often talk about God's chastisment, but it is a good subject to discuss. :) Especially when we think we do not need to set aside sin for holyness. I struggled for...