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  1. N

    New member South Africa

    Beautiful verse...truth....thank you
  2. N

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    The revelation of the Holy Jesus said ..beginning from the Law of Moses....everything will be revealed
  3. N

    The will of God

    Good is to forsake everything...undergo the suffering on the journey....all this because we love God ....our obedience is to Him and not to society’s rules.... as Jesus said...narrow is the door that leads to life...few there will be that enter
  4. N

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    mary Magdalene was the first witness to the resurrection..also to whom Jesus entrusted the sacred knowledge......
  5. N

    The will of God

    The abandonment of everything for the sake of Jesus and the Gospel.... would be nice to discuss
  6. N

    New member South Africa

    Hello...i am from South Africa..first time member