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  1. pickles

    Prayer for all believers

    John 17:20-26 20: I do not pray for them alone. I pray also for those who would believe in me through their word, 21: that all may be one as you, Father, are in me, and I in you; I pray that they may be (one) in us, that the world may believe that you sent me. 22: I have given them the glory you...
  2. pickles

    A little prayer

    If you could please keep me in your prayers for the next few days. With my daughters wedding close at hand, Im getting worn down far to quickly, and I would be greatful if you would say some prayers that my streangth and health will hold up. I want this wedding to be my daughterand her fiance's...
  3. pickles

    a resolution room

    Since we often see some get into rather heated debates. And often these debates can interupt or derail the focus of a thread or witness. I wondered if a resolution room might be helpful. A room where under the watchful eye of one or two that can remain objective , those that have an issue can...
  4. pickles

    indomitable Love for Christ

    Romans 8: 35-39 35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Trial, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or the sword? 36 As Scripture says: For your sake we are being slain all the day long; we are looked upon as sheep to be slaughtered. 37 Yet in all of this we...
  5. pickles

    sacrifices ?

    As I been reading through the OT and not skipping through it! I just wanted to bring attention as to witness that it is the best thing I have ever been convicted to do and all should do this! Back to point here. There is alot of sacrificing in the OT. I had never realised how much. So this has...
  6. pickles


    Ok guys, I need your help again. Im in numbers and I am struggleing.I really want to skip over, so have you any tidbits to help me. I keep losing my place and getting lost in reading. :confused: And not the good lost. :o So if you can give me any treasures to seek out I would be very greatful...
  7. pickles

    Just, Wow!

    I cannot help it, I am always so amazed at the power and greatness of the scripture. Those that have seen my posts since I came to CC can speak to how great the power of healing is, in just my commitment to feeding on the word has grown. I give all praise and glory to Our Lord God as this is...
  8. pickles

    easy BBQ salmaon recipe

    For those that have salmon easly available this is a yummy one. In a bowl conbine the juice of two oranges, two lemons, 1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic and 1/4 cup brown surgar and pinch of dill. Place on greased heavy duty foil 1 /2 nice sized salmon. Fold up sides of foil and pour mixture...
  9. pickles

    parable of the sums of money

    Luke 19;11to 27 The parable of the sums of money/ talents I was considering this parable last night, when I began to see the money/ talents representing not worldly sums or talents, but the sum of faith, witness, lessons learned in Jesus. In the parable the master gave moneys to each of the ten...
  10. pickles

    Old Testament

    So, I begun reading the old teastament again. I enjoyed the first two books alot, but now Im struggling through the laws. Many have spoken to the hidden messages, or the simbolism, but right now Im simply reading all ,as Gods begginings with us. So far I see us as being a rebellious lot, plenty...
  11. pickles


    Please pray for my husband's back. He injured it a few days ago. Pray that it heals quickly, he hates being injured and stuck being down. :) Thankyou and God bless, pickles
  12. pickles

    Trying to help a friend

    Ok brothers and sisters, I need the knowladge given to you by Jesus. I have a friend that loves God, believes Jesus came, but then the waters get muddy. This person is ekenkar, I think I spelled this well enough. She believes in much more than the bible, has added alot of other beliefs as well...
  13. pickles

    What do you want me to do?

    Father, please show me what you want me to do? I know we all hear this question and even ask it alot. Many times I ask God what it is that he wants of me, or what I am to do. The other night I was praying about this and wondering because I was trying to figure out if there is a good answer to...
  14. pickles

    the loss

    Please keep my neighbors in your prayers. They just lost their son in a tragic way. Pray That God Our Father will bring comfort and healing to this family. Thankyou and God bless, pickles
  15. pickles


    This may seem more a testamony, but it is a witness as well. Most important is how it was in the scriptures that I was brought to this. Im not sure if I will be able to do justice to what God Our Father has done for me, and desires to do for everyone of his children. Im sure that many know this...
  16. pickles


    Well Im battleing vertigo agian. Drs still do not know the cause, and are trying more meds., but Ive always found the best medicine is prayers. So If you could say one that all is healed soon. Vertigo is terrible, at least the floor stopped spinning.:rolleyes: God bless and thankyou, pickles
  17. pickles

    Praise God!

    I just wanted to thankyou , praise you, and glorify you, Lord Jesus, God Our Father and Holy Spirit. For answering so many prayers and your great love for all here. Amen! pickles
  18. pickles

    Where to send the cat?

    I decided to start this thread because last night my cat left an overpowering odor in my home. I then wanted to send my cat anywhere, just as long as the kitty was somewhere else. Thus, where to send the cat.
  19. pickles

    The gift of Angels

    I have wanted to do a full testamony, but How do you tell a lifetime of love in Jesus in a few words? So I thought I would from time to time share one of the many stories of his love and those that showed it in my life. Here is another. The gift of angels. When I was very young, somewhere...
  20. pickles


    Ok, this thought struck me last night, and well maby Im wrong but scripture may support this. I was thinking about the last moments before Jesus died on the cross. His words, Father why has thou forsaken me? Well we already discussed how it showed that Jesus lived the feeling of abandonment for...