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  1. pickles

    finished chronicles

    Ive finished chronicles and begin Erza tonight. Still continueing to read the OT. It has been alot of work for me as I have to reread alot. There is alot of repetition, but this is good as I hope that I will retain what is important. I am amazed at how much of the OT is repeated in the Nt, also...
  2. pickles


    With all the disscusons on free will and destination teachings, when reading Luke last night I found this very interesting. It told me that God has a plan but we can reject it. Now personally what ever God Our Father's will is, I accept, but I felt these few words speak volumes. What do you...
  3. pickles


    This may seem like a silly question , but my neighbor claimed this, and I wanted to know if this is true, in the scriptures somewhere, or simply another false teaching. I was told that there are sounds that one can hear that are of God. Not His voice but different sounds of Heaven that we can...
  4. pickles

    All is good

    Let the morning bring me word of your un-ending Love, for I have put my trust in you! This is from psalms, it may seem an unusual scripture for what is shared here, but in hope, all will recieve and share in the joy these words have given me. It has been on my heart for a while to speak to...
  5. pickles

    prayers for niece

    Please pray for my neice and her family. She is only three. She is battles a genetic disorder that runs in my hubbies family called mitochondriel disease. It is a devistating disease that can attack the body in many ways. My neice has the worst form and is slipping away slowly. Chances are she...
  6. pickles

    prayers for our cat

    I know a cat may seem a small thing to pray for, but this cat is very special and and the best medicine for my child. With all of the serious medicall prolems my child faces ,this cat has been her comfort and joy. Today the cat was let outside for a little while, something we rarely do, and he...
  7. pickles

    another ? about baptism

    I know there is alot of different opinions on this, but it is an important question to me. We are all asked to be baptised, but is infant baptism not a true baptism? I have seen no where in scriptures that says it isnt, but nothing that referances if it is. I have always accepted my baptism as a...
  8. pickles

    The bless thread

    I thought it might be a good work, and a good way to redo that moment of the day where your thoughts or words about one that offended you :(, and were not what they should be. :o Like the guy that cut you off when driving,:eek: or the person with 29 items in the 10 items or less line. :mad: A...
  9. pickles

    Its not about me or you.

    Phil.3:7 But those things I used to consider gain I have now reappraised as loss in the light of Christ. 8 I have come to rate all as loss of the surpassing knowladge of my Lord Jesus Christ. For His sake I have forfitted everything; I have accounted all else rubbish so that Christ may be my...
  10. pickles

    How does one?

    I know some one that apears to be under a spirit of oppression. I pray for them and bind in the name of Jesus. But what other ways does one in Jesus rid another of an oppressive spirit? And yes this person says they believe and has accepted Jesus into their heart. Thankyou for all information...
  11. pickles

    a message of streangth

    I have had this on my heart for the last three days. Jesus put on my heart that there are some here that are very discouraged. The message on my heart for you is that there are five He speaks to, but this is also for the many that read it. To the first three these scriptures were given. Isaiah...
  12. pickles


    If you do not see me here it is only because we are having computer problems. Im using a very old one right now while we try to get our new one fixed. Please say a prayer all is soon fixed. I will be praying for all in prayer request even if you do not see me. Im so glad that God is more...
  13. pickles

    Where is the balance?

    As I have been studying the OT, and joining it with what I have studied in the Nt I am trying to understand the balence of God Our Fathers wrath and his mercy. I see in the OT how God destroyed and called His people to destroy all that is evil many times. But I also see many times where He...
  14. pickles

    The debates?

    This is more ,I hope, a question that steps beyond the debates. I am glad that the debates reciently have been much more respectful and good, as I have enjoyed reading them because of this. What I want to ask is that beyond the debates. I understand the want of all to understand more clearly the...
  15. pickles

    prayer needed today

    Please pray for my youngest child. My child battles many medical and mental health problems. The depression is getiing extreamly bad right now and may have to be hopitalised, which we do not want to do. Pray the we can get controll of the depression quickly and find better answers to treatment...
  16. pickles


    The last few weeks Ive been learning so much in the word. And as always I want to do well and try to be perfect. Problem is we cannot be. Anyway it all came to a huge overwhelming, confusing, and shaking up in prayer last night. I wanted so much to serve Jesus but I just felt like the ground was...
  17. pickles

    Fear of God

    There have often been posts about the fear of God. Reading the OT has been a bit scary ,but a good lesson in fear. Ive read many witnesses but have often struggled on how to sum it all up. Last night in prayer it hit me. My fear of God Our Father should always be of greater mesure than any...
  18. pickles

    focus on the word

    :D I thought it might be nice, even fun if we all shared the different ways that helped you focus on the word. I believe that all is guided by God Our Father when reading scriptures. But I myself battle attention issues and have had to be creative in reading. So here are a few ways that have...
  19. pickles

    Made it to Joshua

    Well, Im reading Joshua now. I am so glad that God put reading the old testament (without skipping :D) On my heart. It is a joy! I am fasinated with the part where God had the earth be still , at Joshua's command. Also because the scripture speaks to the fact that this is the only time God...
  20. pickles

    The Scape goat

    This is a two parter here. First, I was and still am interested in why the scape goat is given in Leviticus 16:7-10. I understand sacrifices, but giving atonement by sending the second goat of to satan is the question I have. So if any can enlighten, Id appreate it. Second, I was praying...