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  1. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    This one is a FOLLOWER Except he only reads the propaganda. The guy who invented the tech being used in the late 80s (mRNA) has stated that the reason we have so many Variants (he's a Virologist) is because of all the stupid Vaccinations by people who don't need them, who gave been told it will...
  2. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    I destroyed your whole thesis on what Matt. 24 means, now run and hide troll.
  3. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    And he is of Europe. The Fourth Beast was Rome but it was also ALL Europe. The center of the E.U. is now in Belgium, the E.U. arose via a meeting in Rome in the mid-50s, called the Council of Rome. We have cities that are in nations that are in regions, all can be deemed to be "a people". Common...
  4. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    You don't even know me Mr Jack-leg, I have been a Preacher for over 35 years, LOL. I am a far-right boogy man. I believe some people on these interwebs are Soros paid actors and or Gov. backed spies who are paid to divide us. If you don't have enough intelligence to look at the foundations of...
  5. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    And it was, only Nebuchaddnezar was alive at that time via the Babylonian Beast. Daniel 7:17 describes it this way Dan. 7:17 These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. So, each Beast starts with ONE MAN, which is a given. Only the LAST BEAST both...
  6. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    You don't get it, he will have Assyrian Blood thus he's called an Assyrian. People, who are THE SEED of those Assyrians are still being born right? Of course, they are, THE ASSYRIAN (By blood) is Prophetic Lingo. He will not be an Assyrian leader, there will never again be such a nation, but...
  7. R

    Mt 24 To deceive the elect

    Firstly, there is NO RIGHT, we conservatives are God-fearing, for the most part, down the middle citizenry in the exact same place/mindset as the Forefathers/Framers of the Constitution. The FAR LEFT gets people like you, and others to use the word RIGHT and they have won the day, yes, we are...
  8. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    I explain all this in the above post, no use rehasing.
  9. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    TRUE, but Daniel tells us who the Last Beast is..........WATCH: Dan. 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them(the 10/All Europe) another little horn(A.C.), before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like...
  10. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    I can show you its not, this is my forte/calling of over 35 years brother, in the last 5-6 years its like a video is playing and I see everything so clearly. Let's start out by looking at Isaiah 11 for a moment, it is about the rod that arises out of the stem of Jesse and rules as an Iron Rod...
  11. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    This is correct, but like the Honey in the Lion riddle, God always has LAYERS...... This Little Horn indeed arises out of the Fourth Beasts Head.......BUT he is a 5th Beast and (THINK ABOUT IT) is called a Beast HIMSELF !! The 666 in Rev. 13, IMHO, is not a CODED NAME, that would be useless to...
  12. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    It is a 5th Beast in that it is a MAN, but it arises out of the Fourth Beasts Head (See Dan. 7:7-8 it says so)
  13. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    The Anti-Christ will indeed be a European. But there is a caveat to that. Take an Italian born in New York, he's still Italian via his Parents/Grandparents' heritage, but he would be "Qualified" to run for the United States Presidency. Arnold Swzzenegger is not eligible to run for the U.S...
  14. R


    Let me save you some time The Taking Away of The Sacrifice (Jesus Worship is forbidden in the Temple by a Jewish High Priest False Prophet) and the placing of the AoD (Image of the Beast/E.U. President) both happen 1290 days before the Second Coming ENDS ALL OF THESE WONDERS Daniel was shown in...
  15. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    Incorrect Marylin, that is the Cassander Region in the end times, as I showed via Scripture. He Conquers TOWARDS the South and TOWARDS the East. Meaning it can only be the Macedonian/Cassander/Greece region, this can only be an inter-nation/inter-kingdom struggle, it's not about the Seleucus...
  16. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    No, the 10 = COMPLETION, thus it now represents 26 Nations whereas with the UK it was 27 Nations. Try as they might these could never reunite, Charlgemeign tried it, Napolean tried as did Hitler, to no avail. Where it states in verse 43 that they Mingle themselves with the seed on men, that is...
  17. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    You are making up or coming to a wrong conclusion via the Moslem Messiah notion by misunderstanding the scriptures via Dan. 11:40-43 and not understanding the simple 4 Way Directional Box God gave us in Dan. 8:9 that can not be misinterpreted. He CONQUERS TOWARDS is the key, and it's not a two...
  18. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    There are 5 but none of them are Islamic. Daniel 8:9 explains where the Little Horn must be born at (Greece) and Daniel 7:7-8 explains the 10 Horns (which means ALL the COMPLETE KINGDOMS, not 10) will arise out of the Fourth Beasts Head. In other words, all the DIVIDED KINGDOMS of Europe come...
  19. R

    It's time to wake Judaism up and get them Grafted back in.

    No, Satan has confused YOU & OTHERS with not being able to understand that which is SIMPLE, and if you hear it explained a million times your pride will not let you admit you are in error. So, OF COURSE, Jesus comes back at the Second Coming (WOW....That's a big reveal.......NOT). And we the...
  20. R

    It's time to wake Judaism up and get them Grafted back in.

    Can you not read nor comprehend scriptures? Firstly, Matt. 23:37-39 shows Israel PROCLAIMING that Jesus is King of kings when he RETURNS, no one is getting saved by Jesus unless they come unto him BY FAITH, when he shows up its too late. As I showed you THE SCRIPTURES above, and evidentially...