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  1. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Mr wonderful, when does a Betrothed woman become a Bride in full? Yes, she's a Virgin (hopefully so, in the real world) but she only becomes a Bride when the Groom Marries her, do you not understand this simple equation? Before that she is only Betrothed, and if she becomes DEFILED the Groom has...
  2. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    Why do you think Biden and the liberals were allowed by God to Steal the Election? It is The Anti-Christs TIME NOW. Germany, 4 EU states launch military reaction force initiative › germany-4-eu-states-launch-mili... Oct 21, 2021 — Germany and four members of the European...
  3. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    It doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe in God's word is fast and true, Hes not going to worry about what you believe in. Of course, you just dodge the Trump part because it makes you look really bad that you can't see what it really means. Of course, as God (Holy Spirit is God) told...
  4. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    I understand they are Christians in name, thus they are called Virgins, but they are not full of the Holy Spirt, (Oil) meaning they have run off the Holy Spirot by clinging to sin over God. The reason they are still called Virgins is they were washed in the blood, and they have not died yet...
  5. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    The Trumps of Wrath has ZERO to do with the Last Trump. Research the Feat of Trumps, yu will see tey sent out two witnesses to tell them what day the New Moon fell on, thus the new year would start, and the Harvest (Church Age) would end. Thus when they saw the New Moon, they blew the Trump 99...
  6. R

    Daniel Chapter two

    It's OK to see things others can't as long as you are correct, like Daniel, etc. other Prophets, etc., etc. I understand because the Holy Spirit has shown me what the 1260, 1290, and 1335 are and literally no one sees it, but it is FACTUAL, and so what they see or don't see is not really...
  7. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    Well, it is according to which "coming" we are speaking about. I don't think the coming that brings the Rapture ( The Pre Trib Rapture) means no one can be saved after that, the Jews (3-5 million) repents after the Rapture as do the Gentile Martyrs seen during the 70th week via the book of...
  8. R

    The Parable of the Ten Virgins Explained

    10 = Completion, that is why the 10 Horns are not 10 but all European tat align at the very end times (NOW) That is why the Church of Smyrna was told they would ha e tribulation 10 days (entire Church Age). And why anytime God ties any number by 10 it simply refers to the complete number...
  9. R

    It's time to wake Judaism up and get them Grafted back in.

    It is TWO DIFFERENT things, God BLINDED Isreal as a Nation because of sin, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in (Rapture), but as Paul says in Romans 11 they Jews are blinded only IN PART, meaning as a Nation but not as individuals, which would go against God's Holy nature a each man...
  10. R

    What did Jesus say about HIMSELF?

    Firstly, you have it all backward, Jesus told Pilate that if he spoke of himself his testimony would be a lie, he said another would speak of him. So, the Holy Spirit working through men (the Four Gospels) testified of Jesus. This is why the Four Gospels vary, even in the same descriptions...
  11. R

    ERROR: That the Body of Christ becoming complete depends on a certain number of Gentiles.

    But they are only called to go unto the Jews BECAUSE the tie of the Gentiles has been fulfilled. So, we agree more than disagree here, it's just semantics.
  12. R

    ERROR: That the Body of Christ becoming complete depends on a certain number of Gentiles.

    Not at all conflicting sister, the only conflict is the fact that Jesus' own words say these from the 70th week can not be those seen in Rev. 7:9-17. As does Rev. 20:4. As per the palm tree branches, the Jews were spoken of in verses 1-8, the 144,000 are the Jews who repent as seen in...
  13. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    I understood and did not think this was worthy of an answer, to be honest. It's a waste of time. We all know (maybe except you) that the Promise was the ORIGINAL COVENANT, not the Law that God gave Moses. If you want to debate that point you will have to do it with your wall, I am not going t...
  14. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    My overall point is that some people use this chapter to try and say the church has taken the Plsce of the Jews and we are now ALL ONE, but that is not what this chapter says, this chapter is only speaking about how one comes unto God. No one can come to God via THE LAW, all men must come unto...
  15. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    Yes, in Christ we are alone, but not our CALLING. See my point? The Jews will not repent until THE END (70th week) which Go designed just to get them to repent. (some Jews repent before, but the Jewish peoples will not repent as a Nation until the 70th week. Hence we get the parables by...
  16. R

    Jesus Came To Fulfill Not To Destroy

    I am finished when I hit post.....BECAUSE they have no edit, I don't really care. I have things to do like my pets having to go outside to do their business etc. etc. The only site I have ever been on where they limit editing to 5 minutes. So, you do the math.
  17. R

    Let us do away with the homosexuals & sodomites

    Reminds me of a line in a movie (North By Northwest) via James Mason, "Semantic's, must we?"
  18. R

    Let us do away with the homosexuals & sodomites

    Revelation 21:8 But the cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars—their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Call it what you will, but all SEXUALLY IMMORAL people will go straight to hell...
  19. R

    ERROR: That the Body of Christ becoming complete depends on a certain number of Gentiles.

    This can not be true but it seems like it has to be true because we have been "TAUGHT" that only the 70th week can be called "GREAT" tribulation by God and his Prophets/Disciples (John), but a simple reading of like 3 verses lets us know this can not be true. Just like Dan. 7:11 and Rev. 19:20...
  20. R

    ERROR: That the Body of Christ becoming complete depends on a certain number of Gentiles.

    I agree, it is Moses and Elijah. But, like Jesus they are told to only go unto the Jews, that is their only mission. To get Israel to repent BEFORE the coming Day of the Lord (see Malachi 4:5-6, Elijah is sent back BEFORE the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord to turn Israel back unto God)...