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  1. P

    Poll: Is use of deadly force for self-protection biblical in some circumstances? How about protecting one's property?

    I dont think we should aim to seriously hurt someone in any case. We should make a point without deadly force.
  2. P

    Children Of God Galatians 3:23

    I am assuming this is entirely by having faith in Jesus Christ and in him alone. Whoever has seen Christ has seen the Father. The spirit affirms Jesus, and without the spirit there is no confirmation in Christ.
  3. P

    Why would a Christian wear a Prayer Shawl?

    Everything God designed is good, and proof of that is in his word.
  4. P

    Long forums

    People have short attention spans, its not good to post too much information at one time.
  5. P

    Acts /1cor 12, 13, 14 baptsim in the HG and gifts of the Spirit

    The spirit has always existed and in the old testament he was an anointing and nothing has changed from that, the only difference is that now anyone can receive him and not just priest, levites and prophets.
  6. P

    once was, now is not, and yet will come

    The beast is the Antichrist, the Antichrist has hypothetically always appeared always in the form of the devil. The mentality of the Antichrist has always existed, but i would not say the devil is eternal, but he started everything Antichrist.
  7. P

    This answer is for humblyconsider.

    Of course Michael the angel and Jesus are not the same. Jesus says he saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven, and Michael was the one fighting with Satan in a war in heaven, according to revelation.
  8. P

    Explain Luke 11: 34-36. "The light of the body is the eye"?

    I think it means that good eyes hypothetically, superficially and naturally and technically, generates good persona.
  9. P

    The Rapture Thief Robs Jesuit Futurism Of The 7 Years Of Tribulation

    That is weird, i thought thief in the night referred to the rapture, but the works being burned up and elements melting referred to the second coming. Unless it all refers to the second coming.
  10. P

    As Christians

    Unfortunately there are some Christians nowadays do not consider each other as brothers and sisters even though we all are. Its the same to say that not every christian likes going to church, that is a big problem nowadays.
  11. P

    The Reason You are Told that God No Longer Speaks.

    He is known as the word, which means those that read and believe and follow the bible and believe in Jesus direct teaching are sheep that hear his voice.
  12. P

    John 3: 5... except a man be born of water and the Spirit. Explain.

    I think being baptised and surrendering fleshly desires is a summary of what Jesus meant.
  13. P

    1 kings 13

    That is funny, God does have a sense of humour.
  14. P

    Re: Thread On Catholic And Other Religions

    I think it was Paul who said the one who has faith to eat meat should not condemn the one that has faith to just eat vegetables. I believe that the writer knew people would have different opinions on the word of God. I we should come to our own faith, as long as the core values are in place...
  15. P

    Not too stupid to understand, just too lazy to care

    That is true even if people do this they should always go to the word for references.
  16. P

    Is the Bible really that important?

    Everyone doesnt know God exists, at least they have been blinded by the evil one. There needs to be people that will preach the message always,
  17. P

    What is an unworthy manner for taking communion? 1 Cor. 11: 27-29

    An unworthy manner would be having communion with no reverence and respect for what Jesus did and what it symbolises.
  18. P

    creationist debate?

    Everyone that is christian would have to believe in that to be a true christian.
  19. P

    God Breaking Through.

    That is true, but at the same time there must be people that are willing to work for God's kingdom. Opportunities have to arise for people to take them. God has a sovereign will but we are the chosen ones to preach the message to others and call many to the faith.