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    'The rich young ruler ' confusion .

    It's not just being rich, its the way you live your life when your rich, what you did to become rich and what you'd do to stay rich. Not to mention all the people you could help with your money that you don't.
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    'The rich young ruler ' confusion .

    Mathew 19:23-24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
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    The trouble is there is a lot science doesn't know. It doesn't even know if this is a false reality. So we seek answers to these questions and invariably that leads to God. I believe we are all on a path to god in this reality - science, spirituality and religion all lead to God.
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    John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
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    OK thanks, I'm still absorbing the information.
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    With the bible I believe things have been lost in translation. As science indicates a artificial world I would reiterate that the bible contains more truth than not and it will be in ancient texts we find answers.
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    Probably, this is hell we live in
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    In science, all the theories, all the rules, all the experiments are subject to observation. The results are completely dependent on the observers perspective. Most people are so brainwashed its difficult for them to have any independent thoughts. The bible is imperfect as is all mans...
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    Christianity has been dredged through the sewer, no question about it, but when that happens I go back to the gospels and Jesus actual words. “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Gandhi I saw the Bakkers story and am aware of...
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    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    He still did what the elite told him to do. Sorry to burst your bubble but Trump was no ones savior. He did win though that's blatantly obvious, no way did Biden get more votes than Obama in some states. The fix was in and Trump was I suspect too unpredictable to carry out the elite agenda. How...
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    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    Perhaps you misunderstand the situation. Both are owned and controlled it's just a different view of the same agenda. "Stop feeding the crocodile in the hope he will eat you last" Churchill.
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    2020 American Election And President Trump Capitol Rally, Criminal Fraud Exposed!

    Arguing over supporting Trump or Biden is like arguing over Punch and Judy, they are both puppets controlled by puppet masters of the elite.
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    Christianity would never have existed if it were not for the resurrection of Christ. People do not die for beliefs they know are lies. I take it you have heard of Jesus yes? So how is god hidden from his creation.
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    Why does God allow suffering?

    I believe we are immortal souls that exist in a physical body. Therefore we don't die, we just alter our plain of existence
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    Why does God allow suffering?

    I think our journey here is one of learning to evolve the soul. This is not Gods realm it is Satan's therefore God is not responsible for all the suffering. God allows us to enter heaven when we die but I am not sure why we can not be born in heaven.
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    Whats your BEST PROOF the Bible is true?

    The Gospels, and the resurrection of Jesus. Without the resurrection Christianity would never have ignited. It would have been a cult religion that spoke of a prophet that performed miracles that was then murdered. His apostles would have been too grief stricken to have spread the news and Paul...
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    shewed unto Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time

    I would take it to mean that in one moment Jesus was shown all the kingdoms of the world, not shown all the kingdoms of the world throughout time. I was an atheist and no amount of preaching would have converted me. It took enlightenment in the form of Jesus to awake me.
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    Forgiveness: Conditional or Unconditional?

    Just to add, it talks of forgiveness in the Lords prayer, it does not state conditions for forgiveness Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we...
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    Forgiveness: Conditional or Unconditional?

    Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34). Jesus shows us the perfect way to forgive, unconditionally. For what you don't forgive will eat away at you inside. Forgiveness is personnel healing, it helps you move on from what happened and is chicken soup for...
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    Is the double slit experiment proof of original sin?

    Have you ever heard of the Mandela Effect. Coined after Nelson Mandela the first black president of South Africa. Many people claim they remember Mandela dying in prison. The Mandela Effect describes different memories of events. I believe God can change the past and the Mandela Effect is...