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  1. faith_in_him

    Combat PTSD

    I have a disorder that in many ways mimics PTSD symptoms. It is rough, but there are three things that you can and should be doing. One is praying for him, two is loving him and three make sure you tell him that you are always there if he needs anything. Trust me these three things speak volumes.
  2. faith_in_him

    What is your "Quarantine Nickname"

    Anxious cashew
  3. faith_in_him

    How far away are you willing to date?

    Idk I've talked to a few guys online and recently got out of a three year relationship due to him cheating and right now I kind of want to message a guy and travel across states to knock on their door and say their dreams are about to come true. But I'm not that crazy lol.
  4. faith_in_him

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    I firmly believe as long as we have Trump in the White House our liberties and freedoms will be as they were. People need to remember that right now we may not have the freedoms we once had but over time things will go back to the way it was. I also believe God is using this for the greater good.
  5. faith_in_him

    Prayer for America

    It doesn't matter who you vote for, but the bible says we must pray for our government leaders and that includes our President. Trump needs prayer right now so that he has the ability to do exactly what God needs and wants him to do for our country, that is what I am asking for. We need God in...
  6. faith_in_him

    Prayer for America

    Hey guys/gals, I'm sure most of you would think I'd be asking for prayer for the pandemic, but this is not true. But I am concerned for the future of our country. We are in a election year and our President has been under attack ever since he was sworn in, but over the last several months it...
  7. faith_in_him

    I'm going to have Hydroxychloroquine now! I'll tell you the symptoms after have it.

    Lol completely defeats the purpose of wearing a mask
  8. faith_in_him

    I'm going to have Hydroxychloroquine now! I'll tell you the symptoms after have it.

    I have a question for you and I must warn you it may sound a little dumb lol. But do you believe in Jesus? If the answer is yes, don't take this medication period!!! By going out of your home is putting trust in our heavenly father to protect us because you don't need medicine to protect you...
  9. faith_in_him

    I'm going to have Hydroxychloroquine now! I'll tell you the symptoms after have it.

    Does it matter how you got the medicine? Does it matter if the pharmacy still had it? The answer is no, but the thing is since this medicine is found to help with COVID-19 and has other purposes for serious medical conditions you have no idea who you could've taken the medicine from. The thing...
  10. faith_in_him

    I'm going to have Hydroxychloroquine now! I'll tell you the symptoms after have it.

    You make absolutely no sense. Look I have a seizure disorder and a traumatic brain injury from something that happened back in 2016. If someone decided to take my my medication that helps me function during the day because let's say for example it helps treat something or prevent them from...
  11. faith_in_him

    I'm going to have Hydroxychloroquine now! I'll tell you the symptoms after have it.

    Let me get this are healthy and didn't contract the virus but you are taking a drug that is on shortage to prevent getting it? I'm sorry but that is the most asinine thing I've ever heard. What about the people who will end up dying without getting access to this drug? What will...
  12. faith_in_him

    Speak Your Mind.

    I used to be cmarieh if that helps jog your memory. Yea there was a lot of stuff that happened on my end that caused me to leave this site for a period of time so I can get things straightened out. But I understand about the influences this site leaves. But I am super glad you are doing great. I...
  13. faith_in_him

    Speak Your Mind.

    Oh my goodness...Ive missed you. I remember talking to you when I had my account here a few years ago. How have you been?
  14. faith_in_him

    Cat Versus Skunk

    Lol laundromat...that is so funny. I tried the tomato thing and that didn't take the smell out completely
  15. faith_in_him

    Cat Versus Skunk

    Couldn't help the title, but recently my cat attempted to make friends with a skunk and he decided to spray my poor cat in the face. Dont worry he is fine, but smells. I have tried rubbing a baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap mixture into his fur and then washing him and that helped a little...
  16. faith_in_him

    Speak Your Mind.

    Where I live we have a stay home order and we definitely need to have a shelter in place because people are definitely not abiding by the rules set forth by our governor. Now, I'm in agreement with you that liquor stores being open does not make much sense in a shelter in place order.
  17. faith_in_him

    Covid19 and Russia

    The thing is we dont know
  18. faith_in_him

    Covid19 and Russia

    I know I'm late to the party, haha! But I have a different conspiracy theory. It's common knowledge China was working on a vaccine for the virus and I don't believe the virus was meant for anyone in China, Italy or any other country...I firmly believe it was a terrorist attack on the United...
  19. faith_in_him


    Hi guys and gals, Not sure if this has been posted before, but I've been following a few people on YouTube and been quite entertained by them because quite frankly some can be really stupid and others can actually be quite enlightening. Do you follow anyone on YouTube and if so what is one...
  20. faith_in_him

    Social Distancing

    Casseroles typically go in the oven don't they? ;) Haha just kidding. I'm almost 30 and cook all the time so I don't count, but I thought it was funny