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  1. Deror

    Encouraging Word

    Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]
  2. Deror

    Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?

    Hi like-minded, thank you for reaching out with this idea, I’m interested but have some ‘concerns’ ok, maybe an anxiety :oops: - about? Well, I’ve had some weird & bad experiences online.. and usually people are advised to not be led away ‘off-site’ so to speak.. could this group be arranged...
  3. Deror

    More than just a furr baby

    Hope you’re alright. So many wonderful memories. Hope you’re doing ok. God bless you.
  4. Deror

    More than just a furr baby

    Oh gosh, he’s sounds beautiful! Golden eyes, aw. I’d melt. My dog Sandy, cos his fur was the colour of sand.. his eyes were like milk chocolate brown. 🥰 Gentle eyes, he had such a nice temperament. I heard it somewhere that a humans eyes never age, even though the rest of our bodies age, but...
  5. Deror

    Any help or advice appreciated

    Thanks so much, really appreciate that. Actually, I’ve been shown a possible way jus last night! Also, to be open to people while out ‘n about. But wise about it. (RE: Doves. Wolves. Etc) Just today in the shop, a guy was obviously angry & upset on the phone swearing like a trooper, pacing up...
  6. Deror


    Wow, I can so relate - I’d like to write back, but now I need to get some rest as it’s 1am just gone and I need to let your words settle and take them in.. you speak a lot of truth, even if many might not like it. But I’ll reply after cos I’m sleepy now. God bless you and your precious family...
  7. Deror

    More than just a furr baby

    God bless you and comfort you CharliRenee. I’m so sorry. I grew up with a dog, and he made it until he was 13 I think, even though I was only 10 I saw his pain in his eyes, he even looked embarrassed when he started to struggle to walk, cos he got arthritis in his back legs, once he struggled...
  8. Deror

    Any help or advice appreciated

    Your welcome, I’d love to keep you in prayer, it’s great you can handle things. Your reply made me realise that having built up that rapport and relationship with people builds trust and we get to know people so we don’t need to worry. You know better than I do about your personal business so I...
  9. Deror

    Decision making for Christians

    Oh goodness, I didn’t realise the site might get charged, I wouldn’t want that. Thanks for that, I guess I need a bit of coaching on forum rules. I hope any site that’s unhappy with my sharing their stuff would offer Grace for a first strike. Since it’s used purely to help others. Thanks for...
  10. Deror

    Decision making for Christians

    Sometimes I don’t know whether to source things in case the Author or Site has some funny doctrine on it and so I’d not wanna lead people to a weird source, but I guess it’s best to cite a source. Thanks though, I just hope it might help someone when making difficult decisions. I’ll fix it...
  11. Deror


    Amen - we are secure the moment we believe on Christ Jesus and His finished Completed work. Can we pray that people hear The Gospel of Jesus Christ, believe it, are saved, sealed, secured and delivered. Can we pray that people who are seeking, and also people who say they are a Christian to...
  12. Deror

    A bruised reed He will not break — heard a preacher say, “ Those branches hanging off on...

    A bruised reed He will not break — heard a preacher say, “ Those branches hanging off on winter bushes we tend to instinctively break off because they look untidy,” yet Jesus does not break us....He takes the clay, putting His healing hand to work on us..
  13. Deror

    For me

    I’m sorry you’re having a difficult time, please rememeber 1 John 1:9 - please know Jesus loves you, Heavenly Father will forgive you. Please do keep praying, please continue to ask for prayer from brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus. Please continue to go to God in prayer too. When we make...
  14. Deror

    I've never asked for prayers. Maybe I should.

    Hi Marie, I’m sorry for the trouble you’re having. Praise God though for your Holy Spirit filled reflex response by speaking out His name! Holy Spirit is with you so I pray that is a comfort for you. Jesus is with you! A lot of kids seem to be super sensitive about things like that. I know I...
  15. Deror

    Any help or advice appreciated

    Your welcome :) I thought afterwards it might have been a bit, I don’t know how to say, but I read your op again later and realised some of the peoples troubles, well hard to find the right words to comfort, esp the guy who lost his family. Hard to fathom.... I’m hearing many reports of many...
  16. Deror

    Decision making for Christians

    Decision making can be stressful but God can help us, as well as friends in Christ that we trust. God can give us Peace that passes all understanding when we go to Him for help & guidance. When I went on a course to help manage a long-term condition, one of the handouts I found helpful was an...
  17. Deror

    Passes Poinsetta a tissue, and a couple of teabags

    Passes Poinsetta a tissue, and a couple of teabags
  18. Deror

    Prayer Request for CRU Winter Conference

    Amen, agreeing in Jesus name that your witness will shine The Light of The Gospel of Jesus Christ to your community and that the conference will prepare the students by His Holy Spirit. Be a mighty shield around them dear Lord Jesus, Thanks so much for all you do, in Christ Jesus