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  1. Deror


    Awesome replies, need more time to respond properly. Thanks Eternal Fire for starting this thread :) Its a blessing. God Bless everyone
  2. Deror

    Any help or advice appreciated

    Hi Demi, awesome work you’re doing. May God Bless you and all the people you meet. Some verses that hopefully help and comfort those you meet and minister to, you probs already have thought of them :) Jesus watch over you. Take good care. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s...
  3. Deror

    Own thought or God's will

    Dear Jesus, pray Your Blessings & provision upon Levi, please make a way for him and lead him every step. ThankYou Heavenly Father in Jesus name
  4. Deror

    Good night, God Bless. Thanking God for His work in us... He doesn’t leave us as He found us.

    Good night, God Bless. Thanking God for His work in us... He doesn’t leave us as He found us.
  5. Deror

    St John's Wort for Depression

    Take good care, I’d like to pray for you if you don’t mind - I can’t do much but I can pray. goodnight :) I need to go give my eyes a rest from screens now. Thinking of getting one of those eye masks like people wear on the plane trying to sleep lol. God Bless. Peace to you
  6. Deror

    Hello Christian Chat!

    Thanks so much ! Loving puppies at the mo, gotta have a daily dose of puppy cuteness to keep me going lol. God bless your family :)
  7. Deror

    St John's Wort for Depression

    That’s my reaction when someone replies to my long text with ...... k
  8. Deror

    Hello Christian Chat!

    Hi Bob, good to meet you :)
  9. Deror

    St John's Wort for Depression

    When I tried St Johns Wort, I do remember that it’s a herb that can interact with other medication for mental health. So we’re not supposed to take St Johns Wort if we take any other medication. It’s one or the other otherwise there can be side effects. Can you ask a trained professional...
  10. Deror

    Friend seeking job

    Praying for success and Gods favour for your friend in Jesus name!
  11. Deror


    Hi Eli, hope you’re having a good weekend. Sorry for your friend - praying Allen looks to Jesus and not people’s actions. May Allen reconsider. Bless you for looking out for him.
  12. Deror

    The great commission

    God bless you Ricky, it sounds rough :confused: This maybe a corny thing to say but I honestly believe farther along we understand why... Pray you can Trust that God is for you cos He cares for you despite the brick walls. Again, might be something you’ve heard before but sometimes His...
  13. Deror


    Awesome thread :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. I love music, songs, and singers. Choirs, acoustics, shofars, strings, drums, harps, even accapella. My late uncle was a barber shop singer, harmony style in Canada. In the olden days (70’s) they were really good. No instruments...
  14. Deror

    Hey Thanks :) God Bless us and keep us when we are sleeping and when we are waking up too. We...

    Hey Thanks :) God Bless us and keep us when we are sleeping and when we are waking up too. We had a nice poinsettia plant, it was on the table next to the comfy chair, while I was sat chilling out, it suddenly threw off one of its leaves, then again the next day. Now all the leaves are gone...
  15. Deror

    My eyes are sore from looking at screens, I need some cold teabags. Goodnight. Good rest. God Bless

    My eyes are sore from looking at screens, I need some cold teabags. Goodnight. Good rest. God Bless
  16. Deror

    Encouraging Word

    O may Your lovingkindness comfort me, May Your lovingkindnesses also come to me, O Lord, Your salvation according to Your word; May Your lovingkindnesses also come to me, O Lord, Your salvation according to Your word This is my comfort in my affliction, That Your word has revived me. My soul...
  17. Deror

    Wife Abandoned Living With Single Man

    Thanks so much bro haha :) Yes, God is so good! He draws us to Himself. Recently I was reminded how He thinks thoughts of Peace towards people, not of evil, to give peeps a Hope and a future. (Through and In Christ) It’s good to follow Jesus. Good Shepherd indeed. I love Him so much now...
  18. Deror

    The great commission

    Mark 7 : 31 - 37 Jesus took the man who needed healing aside to heal him, despite there being a crowd there... Jesus moved the man away from the crowd... I wonder why. Seems from some of the healing stories Jesus tells some people to go and tell people to witness, and sometimes tells people to...
  19. Deror

    I am just one person! But I can make a positive change in the world.

    Thanks for the encouragement to remember to choose well, even if it’s difficult with many pressures and provocations to respond in a negative way.. I can still take a step back, breathe, think and respond in a way that helps, that God would approve of and be glad about. I have that choice to let...
  20. Deror

    Encouraging Word

    Colossians Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and...