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  1. Roh_Chris

    Who Killed the Singles Forum, Anyway?

    This explains everything.
  2. Roh_Chris

    Silly Selfies

    Me, when my boss is not in office Me, when he comes to my cabin and talks to me Me, when he walks out of my cabin
  3. Roh_Chris

    Silly Selfies

    You are right. Our body has its own ways of indicating when something's wrong. Back to the topic, here is 'Le normal me'.. (sorry about the bright light in the background)
  4. Roh_Chris

    Silly Selfies

    Someone mentioned about sunglass selfie, so here's mine. :P
  5. Roh_Chris

    Who Killed the Singles Forum, Anyway?

    Criss, there will always be people who push you up and those who pull you down. No matter what you do/say, there will be someone who is "offended" by it. That only means one thing - you are a CELEBRITY. So take out your celebrity wear and do the celebrity walk! :D (P.S.: on a serious note...
  6. Roh_Chris

    Rambling words of a confused mind

    Before I get to the issue, I just want to mention that I am new here. I tend to wring long articles, but I will try to keep this short. I was born to God-fearing parents who were zealous about the faith. They wanted to bring me up in the ways of God. Things did not go according to their plan...
  7. Roh_Chris

    Hello everybody!

    I'm new here. I used to be active on ChristianDL, but I stopped visiting the site after the server went offline. This was a few years back. Anyway, I hope to meet a lot of nice people out here. :)