Search results

  1. Roh_Chris

    The beauty tip for all women that works 100%

    So the online media is flooded with snippets of Victoria's Secret's failed "Perfect Body" campaign. I am so glad. It is high time we stand up against companies who tell us how we should look like. Here are two links related to the campaign - (DISCLAIMER: They contain pictures of women in...
  2. Roh_Chris

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    This is the picture. It does not look like a house. :p
  3. Roh_Chris

    Some advice would be much appreciated here ...

    This was very sensible. Thank you. I did not realize that God could speak through others if He wanted to. That being said, the most important thing for me is to keep an open mind in pursuit of the truth. I know what you mean. And I also believe that the good intention behind these rules is to...
  4. Roh_Chris

    Silly questions that need answers

    Say Brother, how is that thing on your stove coming along? I am sure it must be mighty burned by now. :p
  5. Roh_Chris

    Some advice would be much appreciated here ...

    First off, I must say that it has been a wonderful time here. I thank God for bringing me to ChristianChat because I have learnt so much. It has been a blessing to my spiritual life and I thank each of you for the support you have given me (you know who you are). The last couple of years I...
  6. Roh_Chris

    An inflated sense of beauty...

    I had posted this in another thread, but since some pointed out that it deserves another thread I am creating one for this. (Thank you, MissCris and Holly! Thank you Inu for replying). ------------------------------- I saw this worrying video about women in Venezuela. I'd like to hear the...
  7. Roh_Chris

    Cooking skills..

    I think there is always room for more crazy threads on CC Singles. So here's another one. :D This thread is for everybody to share their cooking skills. 1) Are you a good cook? 2) What can you cook? 3) You can share any funny/terrible stories about your cooking. 4) Do you know of other CC...
  8. Roh_Chris

    I guess it's time ...

    ... to move on. The CC Singles has been a wonderful place for me - like my home on CC. It's the only forum I check on a daily basis. Thanks to the wonderful people who made the CC Singles awesome. You know who you are. :) First of all I wish to thank God for the internet and for the wi-fi...
  9. Roh_Chris

    should women pursue men?

    Okay, I get it now. It was late when I had read your post. :D [/QUOTE]Sorry Whaaaaat?? It's weird? I think it is practiced even today. Here are some proofs. :rolleyes:
  10. Roh_Chris

    Regarding WOW Green Coffee Bean extract - is it safe?

    I am posting this here because I know I can get some good advice on this. So please pardon me if it is not the appropriate forum to post in. My friend wants to lose some weight. Somebody recommended WOW's Green Coffee Bean extract to her. It's not easily available in India, so she will have to...
  11. Roh_Chris

    What is your dream holiday destination?

    I was looking for a nice place to holiday in, during December. I found some beautiful beaches around the coast of India. The most beautiful of these belonged to a chain of islands off the western coast of India. They are called the Lakshadweep (ləkˈʃɑːdwiːp) islands. Some of the islands in this...
  12. Roh_Chris

    Is too much of technology bad?

    While I was going through the news during my lunch break, I was shocked to read a report which said that Steve Jobs never let his kids use the iPad. Jobs told the dumbfounded journalist (Nick Bilton) that he limits the amount of technology that his kids use at home. In the Jobs family, having...
  13. Roh_Chris

    Riddles and brain-teasers ...

    This thread is for those who like riddles and brain-teasers. Post your favourite ones here (preferably, based on the Bible). Posters can attempt at answering the riddles or asking a new one on their own. It is better to ask one riddle per post so that people are not overwhelmed with questions...
  14. Roh_Chris

    I thank you Lord for ...

    What this thread is for: It's just a place to share anything that God did in the day for which you are grateful. Feel free to share it and thank Him for it. :) ------ I thank you Lord for averting an accident while I was driving today. I had been travelling the last two days. As a result, I...
  15. Roh_Chris

    Have you had any weird dreams?

    I got the idea for starting this thread after reading Rush's thread. Please be advised that this post will be long. If you cannot read long posts, please skip this one. I have had a few weird dreams in the recent past (say a couple of years). Some are weird because they were prophetic in...
  16. Roh_Chris

    The banning thread..

    This is a game for the Singles Forum. How you play Ban the poster above you for a particular reason. It can be for any reason you can think of! For example if I were to ban the OP, I would say - I ban Roh_Chris for having an underscore(_) in his ID. Don't forget to mention the ID you are...
  17. Roh_Chris

    Man cards have no power here.

    Pfft.. We can take all our time. Who gets to drive you women around and wait in the lobby while you girls shop? Huh? :p I tear up for happy endings. When I hear a miraculous testimony, or watch a movie like Real Steel or The Vow, or when I see a happy scene on the road, I tear up. I might cry...
  18. Roh_Chris

    The Taller Woman /Shorter Guy and other Shallow Filters

    Aaannnd... this is how we derail Rachel's thread..
  19. Roh_Chris

    What a woman looks like

    Some men do wear tight fitting clothes. You would look at them and go - I would never wear tight-fitting clothes but I am just saying. These days most shirts and pants come with 'regular', 'slim' and 'ultra slim' fittings. If a guy is wearing the right fit for his body type, it will give you...
  20. Roh_Chris

    Silly Selfies

    You can be either one. No pressure.