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  1. JesusLives

    The True Church

    My take on this is the true church are those who think and act like Jesus. Those who accept His sacrifice for their sins and repent, believe and follow Him. There are true believers in every denomination and I don't think we will know the True Church until there are only two groups of people...
  2. JesusLives

    Signs You're Single

    I would tell Grandma I love her but I am going on vacation then drive her over to one of the sons or daughters homes ie your mom, dad or one of your aunts and uncles and say your relative that Grandma/your mother is staying with you for two weeks while I go wherever in the country or to another...
  3. JesusLives

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Yes. I have seen flat places on the earth and I can see that the earth is round when I look at pictures taken from space. I can see that the moon is also round when I look at it in the sky. Even though I don't always look directly at the sun I can also see that it is round when I watch a...
  4. JesusLives


    Not to mention you can sue a restaurant when you spill a cup of hot coffee on yourself....
  5. JesusLives

    The Heresy of Annihilationism

    PS: John didn't say anything about the fires of hell burning when he wrote about I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
  6. JesusLives

    The Heresy of Annihilationism

    Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. "Destroy" in the Bible usually refers to violent action causing physical death. Revelation 20:6Blessed and holy are those who share in the...
  7. JesusLives

    The Heresy of Annihilationism

    I am speaking of RIGHT NOW we are mortal not the future when God changes us and our physical bodies and giving us eternal life. That is the full truth not a half truth. I believe you knew I was also talking of right now.....
  8. JesusLives

    Be very careful who you marry

    I deleted that post as I thought about it and got that you did understand what I was saying you must have replied before I got to delete it.
  9. JesusLives

    The Heresy of Annihilationism

    God is pretty clear the wages of sin is DEATH the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. God is the only one who is immortal no beginning and no end. Man is mortal and we are told sin will rise no more and sinners will be destroyed. Malachi 4:3, KJV: And ye shall tread...
  10. JesusLives

    Be very careful who you marry

    Marriage on this earth is two flawed people who have decided they can put up with each other's flaws. Marriage is also a 100% proposition you both better go in willing to give it your ALL it's not 50/50. Both people will have good and bad days and it's nice when your partner can stand with you...
  11. JesusLives

    Experiencing with God personally.

    I have had a few God being present in remarkable ways but my life this is what I have felt most throughout it. I found my mother dead at the age of 8 during the night/early morning after having a bad dream and my father died from cancer when I was 12. No matter if I was following God's will or...
  12. JesusLives

    Is Jesus your Lord?

    When I ask God for things and help and then remember how many times I have ignored Him or run from Him it makes me very ashamed. I deserve nothing but He loves us so much He wants and has given us everything not holding anything back. Have we surrendered our all and everything we have to Him?
  13. JesusLives

    Is Jesus your Lord?

    I really liked what the three Hebrew men said before they were thrown into the fiery furnace. Our God is able to save us but if He doesn't know that we will not bow down to you no matter how many chances you give us. This made the King so mad he had the furnace stoked 7 times hotter than it...
  14. JesusLives

    Passive Income?

    I always called payday transfer day as it went from my account right into someone else's.
  15. JesusLives

    Is Jesus your Lord?

    I think too when we surrender we really have to examine our lives and see are we living for Him and are we living in Him? You have to be careful with the big displays of God and careful with trusting our feelings because our feelings can be ever changing. Are we trusting in God daily? Do our...
  16. JesusLives

    Is Jesus your Lord?

    I believe the correct answer is repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus.
  17. JesusLives

    Why is the church so accepting of divorce and remarriage?

    I had a real hang up about that issue. I got married at 17 and divorced at 24. I didn't feel like I could get remarried as long as my ex-husband was alive forget the fact he had already gotten remarried himself. In the mean time I was committing all kinds of other sins but I just couldn't...
  18. JesusLives


    Torturing people and paying people money they will say whatever you want to hear....
  19. JesusLives


    The only real danger I see with the nosy press is that what they write true or not people believe what they are reading and if they think Megan is a mean witch making people quit their jobs from the palace etc. Then those folks not so stable might actually try to harm her or Harry or any of...
  20. JesusLives

    Blain your other mother just checking in on you. How are you? Jerry and I have moved to...

    Blain your other mother just checking in on you. How are you? Jerry and I have moved to Jamestown TN and been here two years in November. Let me know how you are o.k.?