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  1. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    He leads, we follow. He appoints, we obey.
  2. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    you have me confused with someone else. this isn't my thread. please go have a look at post #1 again.
  3. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    of course not lol - - but he is worldwide famous for having zero care or respect for the truth. that is how history will remember him: fine purveyor of "alternative facts" do you call demonizing them, compassion? it's been a defining feature of the two parties for decades that one serves the...
  4. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    which is why the US has elected the liar. because we are an evil, vain country that despises the poor and the sojourner and gives gifts to the rich.
  5. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    but most churches vote for pastors ((after putting out job postings on and elders. are they doing it wrong?
  6. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    because you live in a pagan nation you should act like a pagan? that's your argument that Christ God the King of kings would vote, instead of appoint? even while you admit there is no such thing as voting in His Kingdom? mmmmmmmmmmk
  7. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    maybe you haven't been paying attention, so i'll repeat what both i and others have already put, if you look at the first two kings of Israel, it is very clear that when the people chose a king for themselves by voting, it was blasphemy and adultry, forsaking God. Saul. but the King through...
  8. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    you mean being humble, hating lies, and remembering the poor and the foreigner? no, apparently He didn't .
  9. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    i have not said someone should never vote. the thread topic is whether Christ would vote. clearly the answer is no. therefore it is also clear that voting is not a Christian duty. it may be a moral obligation in a purely secular, nationalistic sense - that point remains questionable - but in...
  10. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    No, if voting was something He intended to do, He would have, and He didn't. the facts show voting was not necessary, not that He purposefully chose to avoid having the option of voting. being God He could have created the opportunity for Himself, and He did not. that by itself shows He would...
  11. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    He is God and could have chosen to be born as a man at any time in any place. if God wanted to vote, He would have come to earth in something like a Greek city state, where there was actual democracy, or He would have given Israel a law that required them to vote for priests or something. He...
  12. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    the argument is that Christ would not - in fact did not - vote. see thread title.
  13. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    i'm not really a fan of electoral college. a popular vote would eliminate the opportunity to gerrymander districts, which is prolific and imo quite wrong, amounting to systemic partisan election interference coming from both sides.
  14. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    that's true. and God will surely put them there, if it's His will, whether for blessing or judgment. i don't worry :) that's my lot
  15. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    one day i am going to spring for my own embroidery machine looks pretty fun
  16. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    interestingly when the Jews stoned Paul, they were breaking the law. Rome allowed them to continue their temple worship ((and anyone else to worship however they liked)) but forbid them to execute anyone. that's why the sannhedrin presented Christ to Pilate, instead of trying to stone Him...
  17. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    @sawdust have you read, "blessed be Assyria My handiwork" .....?
  18. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    for Christmas i would like a patch that says this, for my jacket :love:
  19. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    what's the difference? not sure i understand what you're saying with this part
  20. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    not shocking to me; in fact that's been my narrative for this entire discussion. maybe shocking for you to hear, but post is not unfamiliar with the Bible. :coffee::unsure: