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  1. JesusLives

    The Days Of Noah

    We know God is a master builder and He told Noah what to do and Noah followed God's instructions.... I also took woodworking in High School instead of home ec.... which I was totally bored in and the woodworking class challenged me and has been useful in my adult life....
  2. JesusLives

    Doomed to be single?

    I was replying to the no marriage in the NT....when clearly there was a the NT....otherwise why have a wedding?
  3. JesusLives

    Doomed to be single?

    Maybe you didn't mean for it to sound like you were bragging about having money and someone to leave it to but it did come across a little that way...
  4. JesusLives

    Doomed to be single?

    How do you know that the people getting married where Jesus turned the water into wine were not followers of God? Since Jesus was at the wedding you would assume they were Jewish people who had been lead by God...
  5. JesusLives

    The Days Of Noah

    We should never give up just as Noah kept building that boat for 120 years and did not stop until it was completed. We are seed planters and it is God's/Holy Spirits job to make the seeds grow. We continue to plant the seeds of God's love never giving up no matter what the response we get. We...
  6. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    I am not defending Satan. He is evil, he hates us and everything that has to do with God. I just said that I believe God loved His creation but not what Satan became. I don't know how people can read the verse God is love and then think that God hates His creation. I believe God loves His...
  7. JesusLives

    Who's an ARTISTS here?! Post your artworks here for others to be inspired :)

    My first painting. My niece teaches how to and she told me what to do and I followed her instructions and this was the result.
  8. JesusLives

    Microchipping in Sweedon

    Personally I don't want to be marked with a chip of any kind as I don't want to be followed or tracked and before you say you are already being followed with your phone.... I don't have a cell phone personally. Jerry has a trac phone. Me I'm old school with a land line....good luck with...
  9. JesusLives

    Microchipping in Sweedon

    Since we have to choose to either follow God and accept the gift of salvation or not I believe it is more of our choice than an actual marking. God knows who belongs to Him and who doesn't. The mark in the forehead is one who has purposed in their heart to follow the beast and agrees with that...
  10. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    You are going to have to take that part up with whoever wrote the Bible verse then because that is what it states it doesn't go into your long confusing conclusions. I responded to you in the BLUE above and this below.... God is love….. 1 John 4:8 New International Version (NIV) 8 Whoever...
  11. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    Isaiah 64:6 All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. Romans 3:10 As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one; Romans 3:23 New King James Version...
  12. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    Matthew 5:44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.… Is not Satan and the wicked enemies of God? How can...
  13. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    God created Lucifer too who became Satan the Devil....God is his creator. Not sure if there is a Bible text to back that up. But I do know that Lucifer wanted to be or take God's position or at least be equal to God and could not happen as he is not God but a creation of God. Isaiah 14:12-15...
  14. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    Fastfredy0 I agree that God will destroy the wicked but I believe that He loves them and it will be a hard thing for Him to destroy them but they chose sin and didn't repent and accept the sacrifice of Jesus. So it is the wicked that doesn't love God not God not loving the people He created...
  15. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    Do you have children? If you do then do you only love the ones that are good all the time and do what you tell them to? How could you have a child with your DNA and not love them even when they do bad? We are all God's creation He made us why would He make us and then Hate us because we did...
  16. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    I never said dead men have a change of heart but when they were alive they had the same chance to change and accept God as we do. God gives people who don't know Him the same free will that we all have to do right or wrong everyday we aren't robots forced to choose Him or to not choose Him. I...
  17. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    If anyone of these wicked or Satan had a change of heart and repented would not God take them back? Of the wicked I would say yes, that God would take them back. But Satan already had a chance to change and didn't take it and sealed his fate when he killed Jesus so no I don't believe Satan...
  18. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    This particular thread is a good example of just how much people don't understand God's capability to love unconditionally. We would all say that the woman caught in adultery should have been put to death - stoned as that was the punishment at that time and she was brought to him so that the...
  19. JesusLives

    "God loves everyone" - false

    I believe God loves everyone including Satan. He Hates sin and the result of it which causes those He loves to be lost from their choices and continued sin. God can't be in the presence of darkness/evil/sin. He loves us but does not love the wrong sinful choices we make. Otherwise why would...