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  1. PennEd

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    What "line" has he crossed? He WILL be the GOP nominee. Either he, or Biden will be President. So in effect you will help Biden, and the democrat agenda, continue their takedown of America. From the economy , to millions of illegals, to the greater persecution of Christians, to the culture...
  2. PennEd

    Iran attacks Israel, sends hundreds of drones, missiles

    Imagine. We have gotten to the point that some ammillennialists despise Israel so much they are actually rooting for Iran!! You can’t make this stuff up.
  3. PennEd

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Gold was at or below $2000 less than two months ago. It’s hard to overstate just how huge an approaching $500 increase in that short amount of time is. Search Gold $2,428.60+$60.00 Silver $29.76+$1.38
  4. PennEd

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    Let’s get it all out there!!
  5. PennEd

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    When the **it hits the fan, it will be glacially slow, like it’s been, and then it will be laser fast.
  6. PennEd

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    GOLD Up $24 so far just today $2,368.30 $24.00 1.01% SILVER $28.37 $0.19 0.68%
  7. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    Bit of a cop out. And others wiser than you HAVE answered! LOL The Jews DESREVE to be there! If for no other reason than what was allowed to happen to them in the Holocaust. (some extreme anti jews try and minimize or even deny it even happened. My Uncles were THERE! They couldn't even talk...
  8. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    Never said it was. Let me ask, does Israel have a right to exist? as a state,? with roughly the current borders,? with Jerusalem as it's Capital,? and to defend said borders in your view? See? I've broken those questions down so as to not get bogged down with vagueness. Oh, and a bonus...
  9. PennEd

    Was the devil tempting Jesus literally?

    Well He ALWAYS communes with the Father. Which I’m sure strengthens Him. But His human nature and being puts demands on Him, like every human. His flesh was weakest at that point after 40 days without food. So Spiritually speaking, He was stronger, flesh wise He was weakest, and...
  10. PennEd

    Was the devil tempting Jesus literally?

    There are several good reasons to fast. Fasting tells your body that YOU are in control, not your flesh. In Jesus' case, He put Himself at His most vulnerable, weakest position to show that even at that stage resistance to the Devil can be done.
  11. PennEd

    Was the devil tempting Jesus literally?

    Why? Are they any less believable than raising Lazarus from the dead, walking on water, making a tiny bit of food feed 5 thousand, turning water to wine or raising HIMSELF from the dead? Where are we given authority to pick and choose what is symbolic and what is fact?
  12. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    Land O lakes white American, sliced thin, is about 15% of my diet! Decades ago, we used to get yellow American, until someone told us the yellow is completely coloring!
  13. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    Let me just say, a lot of these dudes and dudettes I like and agree with them on a whole host of other issues, but the blatant anti jew actual hatred I just can't understand beyond the point that they were brought up in churches with the demonstrably failed ammillennial doctrine. It's so...
  14. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    Umm... You just engaged in debate!! While attempting to say you don't get involved with debate. I think the Bible has a word for that. BTW. Red XING those you disagree with, and liking posts of others that support your posittion is in effect debating. We ain't dummies!
  15. PennEd

    The Gold Standard should have remained the standard

    Why Gold is Valuable (Proof of Work) Despite the beneficial chemical properties of gold highlighted above, its real value comes from the difficulty of its acquisition. As Joe Weisenthal stated in a speech from May 2018: One of the striking things about gold is just how incredibly hard it is to...
  16. PennEd

    The Gold Standard should have remained the standard

    Good explanation from this article on why we value gold: This article will address all of these questions and more. Let’s begin by examining why gold became the most sought after metal in human history. Why Gold and Not Something Else? Unlike the many other metals found around the globe, gold...
  17. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    Matthew 15:18 New King James Version 18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. Matthew 12:36 36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
  18. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    That is a specific command, for a specific people group, at a specific, terminating time, for a specific purpose. Unlike the beastly, satanic, koran, that has no terminal point to it's murder, mayhem, and rape instructions. Evidenced by the FACT that it's adherents continue to do those satanic...
  19. PennEd

    The hatred of Jews

    Yeah. Umm….how does “the west” equate to born again Christians? The Muslims murder innocents IN THE NAME OF aLLAH. You can’t discern that difference?