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  1. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    The Revelation 12:3-4 Scripture, along with many Bible Scriptures about Satan's original fall, reveal that one third of the angels Lucifer drew to earth with him when he first rebelled. The angels which Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 3 and Jude 6 spoke of are included within that one third that...
  2. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    Not a made up rule. The fact that ONLY Satan and his angels so far are already judged and sentenced to perish in the "lake of fire" is what God's Word points out. Even Lord Jesus was careful at His 1st coming to warn that one can be 'in danger of hellfire', but He did not directly condemn anyone...
  3. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    What I was trying to reveal to you was that 'some men' that push the false idea that there is no singular antichrist are those working for the devil to help prepare the world for his future one-world government kingdom at the end of this world, even though some of them helping in that may be...
  4. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    I feel the need to address the above tradition of men. And this will be difficult for many to understand if they do not first grasp Bible Scripture about just who already today... has been judged and sentenced to perdition in the future "lake of fire" that only happens after... God's Great...
  5. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    By that you are suggesting that John's mention that they had heard "antichrist" shall come was just myth. That would make the doctrine of the "many antichrists" he mentioned as just a myth also. That is not how God's Word works. We cannot just up and assign mythical workings to a Truth in God's...
  6. D

    Real Documented Proof Of A Conspiracy

    For me, I had caught on to the globalist's plan in my early twenties about a "one world government", and that was before I was baptized in Christ. The more I kept digging, the more research material (mostly their own works) I discovered, as their own writings were there all along. They know most...
  7. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    No, the "antichrist" for the end of this world will be Satan himself, appearing on earth with the image of man, working "great signs and wonders", that IF it were possible, would deceive even Christ's very elect (Matt.24:23-26). The 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 verses even reveal that he is coming to...
  8. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    By even considering that possibility, God may open up His Word to you about it, if you ask Him. The flesh is what keeps many brethren at bay with considering this point that is written in God's Word. I've found that a majority of my Christian brethren have a problem understanding about Apostle...
  9. D

    Real Documented Proof Of A Conspiracy

    Yes, I made it through something like the 1300 pages of his book that he sued his publisher because they destroyed the printing plates.
  10. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    That was not... when those one-third of the angels rebelled with Lucifer against God. As a matter of fact, that event of rebellion that Lucifer did in the old world with his angels was one of the main reasons why Lord Jesus became ordained to be born in the flesh to die on the cross (see Hebrews...
  11. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    That above idea comes from those who don't study their Bible thoroughly. The Matthew 24:5 verse about the "many" that would come in Christ's name is about the "many antichrists" which Apostle John mentioned in 1 John 2:18. That is not about 'the'... "antichrist" that John also mentioned though...
  12. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    No such thing as an "extra" image of a man. God simply created Adam with that heavenly image of man that originates from Him and His angels. The word 'angel' is simply a word that applies to the heavenly image state, a state that those in Christ as the "sons of God" will have in the future...
  13. D

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Not my intention to offend, but the way I see today's debates between evolutionists and young earther's is like two children back and forth in an argument. They simply have not considered the fossil evidence according to God's written Word. This is why the Gap idea in God's Word boggles both of...
  14. D

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    That's OK, that you don't believe the Gap idea of Genesis 1. I'm pretty sure when Lord Jesus returns, everyone is going to know the past history back to Lucifer's original rebellion. But for the new heavens and a new earth, God has shown all before that will be forgotten. Isa 65:17-18 17 For...
  15. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    Sorry, I don't do tests to help you be satisfied with my character. If the Scriptures I post is not enough for you, then I suggest conversation about those first instead of just bypassing whatever I post from God's Word.
  16. D

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    I do not believe the old myth tradition that God's creation is only 6,000 years, and I am not an evolutionist, don't believe man's evolution theory at all. What God's Word as written actually reveals, is that there are 3 world earth ages mentioned in His Word (by Apostle Peter in 2 Peter 3)...
  17. D

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    No. Simply because God has already said He chose Jerusalem, here on this earth, as the place He will dwell forever. If science actually does ever find signs that life once existed on other planets, then it will be artifacts left over from God's destruction of the 1st world earth age time when...
  18. D

    The Real Antichrist For The End

    Well, what you are saying was not my point in my post to Pilgrimshope at all. What your Rev.12 interpretation appears to be following is your idea about different writers explaining the same event, like between the different Gospel Books. Not what I'm talking about with the idea of Apostle...
  19. D

    Let's talk Satan, demons, it's powers

    I've got to assume the author of that book was only relating a story by a certain pastor at a certain Church. I only heard the story through Dr. Gene Scott having read it from the book on his satellite network a long time ago.
  20. D

    Let's talk Satan, demons, it's powers

    Could be. I only know the story read from the book that I mentioned.