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  1. Dude653


    And certain individuals on this forum are being condescending when I'm actually trying to have a constructive conversation. While it's true that science produced a bomb that leveled two major cities, the same science can power a nuclear submarine for 30 years So we don't just throw up our hands...
  2. Dude653


    People are saying all sorts of insane stuff like the particle accelerator is going to open a gate to hell or some and demons are such nonsense. If everyone had this mentality that everything scientific is evil and satanic, we would still be in the Dark ages
  3. Dude653

    Chicago prosecutor drops charges against R Kelly

    He had C.P. on his computer. That alone is worth an additional 10 to 20 years in addition to his 30 year sentence in New York I'm guessing there are reasoning though is that since he will be 80 years old before he's eligible for parole in New york, wouldn't be much point in adding an additional...
  4. Dude653


    People have a superstitious fear of science and that's why in my opinion America will eventually lose its position as a world superpower as the rest of the world progresses in America's stagnates
  5. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    Maximum sentence for second degree murder is 60 years in tennessee. Nothing less than a maximum sentence would be Justice in this case
  6. Dude653


    . I'm actually trying to have a constructive conversation and you're being condescending. I addressed your points. You said that science can be used for evil. But so can a gun but that doesn't mean we disarm the entire population But also doesn't mean we stop scientific research because science...
  7. Dude653

    Bill Gates & Co Pfizer on quest to vaccinate the world

    The majority of the world's population has already taken at least one dose of the covid vaccine
  8. Dude653


    The facts are that the only discernible dangers of a particle accelerator are that it creates ionic radiation but with the isotopes they use, it dissipates in a few hours and it creates radioactive waste. But so does a nuclear reactor
  9. Dude653


    According to what I have read about particle accelerators the only real harm they can do is that they create ionizing radiation but with the isotopes they use, it dissipates in a few hours and it creates radioactive waste, but so does a nuclear reactor So again, I'm not sure what's with all the...
  10. Dude653


    Oops not hedgehog collider. Hadron collider Google voice to type keeps messing up my words but you get the point. Why do you assume they are doing something sinister by studying particle physics?
  11. Dude653


    But you did use that as an analogy. I said God gave us intellect to figure things out so why wouldn't we use it And you said a man could use his intellect to beat his wife also. And I get your point that science can be used for good and evil. So can a gun. You can use it to defend yourself or...
  12. Dude653


    Oops typo... I meant immoral Spousal abuse.... Immoral Studying subatomic particles... Not immoral
  13. Dude653


    Judgment for what though? Doing science?
  14. Dude653


    Did you really just compare particle physics to someone beating his wife? Wife beating is immoral for obvious reasons because it causes harm. What's immortal about studying subatomic particles?
  15. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    What? This was enough word salad to end world hunger
  16. Dude653


    That's exactly my point. Why would God give us intelligence to try to figure things out and then expect us not to use said intelligence?
  17. Dude653

    Tyre Nichols

    To my knowledge there haven't been any riots in this case, as the officers were pretty much immediately arrested and charged
  18. Dude653

    Christian view on Life insurance, do or don’t

    I remember the pastor of the church I used to attend said you can go down to the electric company and pray and speak in tongues all you want to but if you don't have any money, they're cutting off your lights
  19. Dude653


    You still haven't shown the connection between particle physics and Satan Also I have said this multiple times on other threads but I'll say it again here. The war on drugs is a self-defeating idea. Criminalize drugs Cartels have Monopoly on criminalized drugs Cartels make more money to bring in...
  20. Dude653


    America's fans 30 million a year just putting people in prison for nonviolent drug crimes but God forbid we spend a few dollars on something scientific