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    What's up with Legion's request to go into the herd of pigs?

    Jesus declared all meats clean. Mark 7:19
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    I have exegeted it quite succinctly through multiple posts and I don't really think it is an issue for common people reading the bible in church today. In 40 years of more than average church involvement and ministry surrounded by people who talk about scriptures all the time I have only...
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    Is Repentance a Condition for Salvation?

    Yes, I think unbelief is very much the first sin one repents of. Good word.
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    Is Repentance a Condition for Salvation?

    Give them your testimony. My testimony always includes my shame at being a bad person. How I realized I needed to change. How I asked God for help. How I learned about Jesus, the cross, the offer of forgiveness. But I always start my story about how I first discovered I was a bad person...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    I don't. My point is that Peter considered Paul a beloved brother who had Wisdom from God and that his letters were scripture. Therefore we conclude that Peter did not have a contrary opinion to what Paul told him on the day he rebuked him, and the reasons that Paul gave Peter, the words that...
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    Ephesians 4:11-16

    "when that which is perfect is come" is when we are in that state of resurrection. When we see him face to face and are like him. We will know as we are known. That which is perfect according to Paul was when he would attain the resurrected state which he called being made perfect in...
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    Ephesians 4:11-16

    I won't listen to any preacher who goes by a title "Apostle" so and so. Nor will I listen to any preacher that uses the title Dr. and they did not earn that degree by doing the necessary scholarly work. I suspect these kinds of people to be false, loving the praise of men.
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    Is Repentance a Condition for Salvation?

    It is Grace that made the way of salvation a possibility. An undeserved offer of salvation. Grace. When you were without hope, hope was offered. Grace to forgive you of sins that you deserve wrath for. Salvation Grace cannot be comprehended without the concept of repentance of sins as part...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    It was the confession that Peter made that Jesus was the Son of God that he would build the church on. Not Peter himself though he would use him to start the church as he did many others. Peter made a mistake but it did not disqualify him from being an apostle or being used by God or being...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    Paul corrected Peter and Barnabas. Paul was right they were wrong They did not argue with him about it. Peter considered Paul to be writing scriptures therefore Peter considered what Paul wrote in Gal 2 to be scripture and Peter agreed with Paul and what he wrote in Gal 2 about this...
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    Is Repentance a Condition for Salvation?

    Being sorry and ashamed of their sins. And deciding to turn away from their wicked ways and follow Jesus Christ. Yes, some people are going to be more ashamed than others at the initial stage of revelation but all must acknowledge that they are indeed sinners and need to be saved from the...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    I think Peter was just having a difficult time with confrontation. He did not want to confront something that needed to be confronted and let it just go on. He was afraid to confront them, and being hypocritical. Why did he fear those of the circumcision group? Probably just that normal...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    Where do you see Peter giving any words on this? He never said anything to dispute it. He obviously agreed with Paul's rebuke and repented. You keep saying one apostles word against another apostles word as if there is any suggestion in the text that they exchanged words or that Peter said...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    How can Paul be walking in the Spirit if he is falsely accusing Peter of fear of those of the circumcision group and hypocrisy if Peter was not guilty of such a thing.
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    You just decided that Paul was falsely accusing Peter. You did not avoid the decision that you claim you wanted to avoid.
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    Is Repentance a Condition for Salvation?

    Yes, because Jesus said... ...I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13: 5) Just a sample in the book of Acts... Acts 2: 37When they heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what should we do? ”...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    Yes. The science is the list of rules. Rules to use when interpreting. The art comes into play in that there is a certain level of flexibility in applying the rules. Intuitive or common sense is the art part.
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    There was NOT any pitting inspired word of two people in the story. No words from Peter at all. No argument. A rebuke from Paul for something Peter did, and Peter is silent thus Peter conceded immediately to Paul's point. No Pitting. This would be a good illustration of why people make...
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    It tells us what it sprang out of. He was afraid of those that belonged to the circumcision group. And hypocrisy. That is what Paul said was his motive. Peter did not present any other view denying what Paul said so we must assume it was true and that was his motive.