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  1. InChristalone44

    Ridiculous warning labels

    I hate frivolous lawsuits
  2. InChristalone44

    Ridiculous warning labels

    Oh crap! You can’t put poodles in the microwave? Oh , that’s where I want wrong
  3. InChristalone44

    Unmask yourself part 2

    Nice thread! And nice to meet you
  4. InChristalone44

    Unmask yourself part 2

    This is me
  5. InChristalone44

    What is the difference between calling a woman "Hot" and calling a woman "Beautiful"?

    Using the term hot or a smoke is tasteless and classless and just objectifies a woman. Men who use that just makes all men look bad. Calling her beautiful Gives a woman a much broader range of her as a whole person, all the qualities a good man looks for and yes pretty too 😊
  6. InChristalone44

    In the beginning was the word...

    I really appreciate such a warm welcome, what a blessing you all are to me, thank you Deade
  7. InChristalone44

    Im Single

    I’m new here, so was this thread active 5 years? With no responses? Wow, well I guess I’ll post again in 2026, see you then 🤣
  8. InChristalone44

    Prayer for rent

    You are on my prayer list my friend!
  9. InChristalone44

    crores of people taking holy dip

    Some cultures try to gain salvation by being nailed to a cross themselves to feel jesus’ pain and be made worthy. Others believe in nonsense like Muhammad. I believe that if we collectively pray Jesus will open some of their hearts. God bless each of you and serve and worship until the coming...
  10. InChristalone44

    Not By Works

    Works are important to me only to please the Lord and serve him, He gave us salvation for free, what an amazing God we have! It also breaks my heart that so many lost souls just turn their back, let’s all pray for them. God bless all of you
  11. InChristalone44

    When the dog barks, when the bee stings....

    The thing I hate the most in this evil world is abortion, Donald Trump said at the state of the union that we are all created in the Holy image of God and he is going to repeal that new law passed in NY aborting into the 3rd trimester and after birth
  12. InChristalone44

    John 3:16

    Baptism is a way of identifying with the death and resurrection of Jesus, we descend in the water to death and rise a new life in Jesus Amen!
  13. InChristalone44

    The Unpopular Thread

    Great to get your perspective! Ty 🙂
  14. InChristalone44

    The Unpopular Thread

    Happy to be a part of this family! Children of Christ!
  15. InChristalone44

    The Unpopular Thread

    That’s truth! Glory be to God!
  16. InChristalone44

    The Unpopular Thread

    Nice job brother! Great to accept, my heart is with you!
  17. InChristalone44

    The Unpopular Thread

    Stop calling me! 🤣
  18. InChristalone44

    The Unpopular Thread

    Thank you! Bless you!
  19. InChristalone44

    The Unpopular Thread

    Amen, praise you, may Jesus lift you up!